
Saturday, February 10, 2007

Toe Trimming, Again

Well efurrybody, it's dat time again here at da Forty Paws.

An we ist plum tuckered owt frum Angie an Beau Beau's wunnerful party last night. We ateded toooo much an danced lots an met tons of owr bloggie buddies. Angie an Beau Beau did a fabyoulus yob on da decorashuns an party favors an FOOD, and beverages. It wuz truly loverly. It wuz a blast.

Now we go nap on owr beeyoutiful pink satiny pillows dat we gotted las nite.

Luf, Us


Daisy said...

It was a GREAT party! I am tired today too. Time for a day of beauty and toenail trimming.

Lone Star Purrs said...

We hadded SOOOOOOOO mcuh fun wif y'all last nite at the party!!!! Fanks fur being such GRATE Balantines!
::purrs and headbutts::
~Meeko & Kiara

Anonymous said...

wuzzn't it the best time? but then when the Lady gotted home, she finded owt that i scratched up unner my chin lots more than i you-shully duz an i'z missin' fur an sum more iz matted ware i scratched an so she sez she's gonna get my claws, my BACK CLAWS, an i duzzn't think she's gonna be able to on account of she's neffur effun been able ta cut my front claws cuz i no how ta do the Spiraling Sidewayz Leap an she can't hold onta me.
pee ess: she sed if she can't get my claws, she's gonna take me ta the V.E.T. ::shudder:: gotta hide now...

The Fluffy Tribe said...

That's a lot of toes to trim :0)~ Merlin, Shadow, Ko KO

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

That was a great party!
Happy Toe Trimming!

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Glad yoo liked yur squishy pillows. They are wunnerful. We, I mean Angie speshully, needs to get her toesies trimmed. I don't like getting my nose clipped wif her little daggers.
~Beau Beau

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

We missed the party cuz the furless ones HAD to go visit the baby meezers.


Kimo and Sabi said...

Just thinkin' about all that toe trimming...we're already pooped!

The M's said...

We hav's heard Mommie and Daddy talking bout the clippers also, guess we had better stay under the bed more.