Bow is 17 years old today!!! Please wish him a very Happy Purrfday! He was just a teeny poodin when he came here. There weren't any other poodins here at the time. Wow....
Anyway, Bow has been on prednisolone for IBS since 1995 and he's still kickin' just fine. And by kickin' I do mean he had Gatsbi cornered the other morning, and he smacks G.T. and Dorf on the head when they get too close. He's officially Top Cat here at Forty Paws.
Such a handsome cat! Happy Birthday Bow! And many, many more!
Happy Purrthday Bow!!! 17 and still kicking...wonderful!
My, if it weren't for your stripey head, I might think I was looking at myself. We both have the same distincive nose smudge!
This is one beautiful boy! Happy Birthday, Bow!
Happy Purrthday Bow and many, many more. Keep doze youngsters in check and neffur let em be top cat.
Happy Birthday Bow!! I certainly would respect you and you don't look a day over 7! I bet you're really special to your people.
Well - somebody's got to be the top cat!
He just wants some respect, after all.
Happy birthday.
Yu deserves to be top cat since yu is 17! Wow that is a great accomplishment.
We hope yu enjoys all of your spezial day today!
What a handsome cat! Happy Birthday!
All honors to you today Bow! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Bow!
Happy Purrfday Bow. Yer looking good.
You look wonderful, I would never guess you were 17 years old. I hope your special day is very fun.
Happy purrfday Bow :) We wishes yoo lots of goodies and a grate day!
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree
happy purrday, bow. we hope you have many many more.
Happy Birthday, Bow! You are looking good. Keep those other cats in line.
Happy Birthday, Bow!
Titus, Tazo, & Earl Grey
Happy Birthday Bow. So glad to hear you are still keeping all the other cats in line and still the top cat. Keep it going.
Happy Purrthday, Mr Bow!!! Mom went "ohhhh he's so hansom" wen she saw yore picky, but that's prolly cos I (Finny) look a lot like you. Hope you had the furry bestest Purrthday efur.
Finny & Buddy
a furry Happy Purrthday to you! 17 is wonnerful!
Happy Purrthday Bow!! Hope you get some special treats!
All Hale the Purrthday Bow. :-)
Yu look vury good fur being 17! Happy Berfday to you!
Happy Birthday, Bow! You look great! We almost have the same birthday; I'll be 13 tomorrow.
Happy Purrthday, Bow! We hopes you had a great day!
Happy PUrrthday Bow!
That is so great! I hope I look that good when I'm 17! Happy Purrthdday Bow!
Happy Birthday Bow! :) I hope you had a wonderful day. As we say in German: Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag!
Happy belated purrfday... we hope you had a wonderful day.
Bow, we are sorry we missed your birfday! Hope you had a good one!
Happy belated birthday Bow. Just because it is a day late doesn't mean it is less heartfelt. Glad to hear that you're still doing great and are a very young 17. Big kitty purrs and headbutts for your birthday!
Happy belated Purrfday, Bow! Sorry I'm a little late -- my momma was feelin' kinda yucky yesterday and couldn't help me onto the computer. Wow, seventeen! You are a wise and mature kitty. Sending big kittyhugs and big rumbly purrs.
Dear Bow, Happy birthday to you. You are a handsome boy and only a little older than me and prin... we will be uh... um 16 on tax day.
Happy Day to you:-D and many many more good kitty friend
Beladed Birfday Wishes to BOW from Zenith & the Fancidots Gang!
17 years is a mighty age and gives Bow much seniority and deserving of lots of love from your beans, and respect from all the other forty paws family members!
Many happy returns, Bow
yur palz,
Zenith and the Fancidots Gang
Bow, Happy belated birthday to you. Sorry we are late but hope that you had a wonderful day! You are such a handsome cat!
We also just read the Davy and Loco stories - so very sad. Our Lady's eyes keep leaking and we are all very proud of your mom.
Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Happy Belated Birthday Bow!
& the gang from Purrchance To Dream
Oh no! I's late to wish Bow a happy purrfday, an he's efun one of my look-alikes!
Hippo Birdy Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdy Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdy Deer Bow,
Hippo Birdy Two Ewes!
... and many more!
Fur a geezer, you don't look a day ofur 3.
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