I forgot to tell you yesterday that Davy loved everyone!!! Contrary to his disposition and behavior, he loved people. He would gladly run up to anyone walking along the street, which is how all the school children knew him and knew of his temper. He'd go visit the neighbors and walk right up to their doors. He was really very friendly until someone would attempt to pet him.
What I'm going to tell you today and tomorrow may distress you, or you might find extremely difficult to believe, and you may never want to return to the Forty Paws blog. But if you can't manage to read today's post and tomorrow's post, please at least come back on Thursday to see how it all ended. There was really some much needed legislation passed in the State of Texas in part because of Davy. So please, check out the wrap up on Thursday.
I won't go into extreme detail because I don't want this activity to begin anew, and much of it is too difficult to handle emotionally. I was changed forever by what happened.
In early August 2000, I went outside to wash litter boxes in the wee hours of the morning before it became too hot. It was an oppressive summer. I noticed a great deal of Davy fur in the driveway. Fur on the pavement, in the mulch of the flower beds lining the driveway, against the garage door. There was so much fur that I swept it up. I thought Davy had been in a heavy duty fight overnight. I knew he liked to sit at night on top of the rolling polycarts that the city uses for trash collection surveying the lay of his land, and figured that an evil intruder cat had come onto his property.
Well, Davy didn't come in during the heat of the day, and he didn't come in that night. Sometimes he would be gone for almost 24 hours, but he usually checked in to eat and get some companionship at least daily. By the next day I became worried when he hadn't appeared. I started walking the alleyways calling his name, fearing that he was locked in someone's garage or worse yet, their metal shed which would become an oven in the Texas August heat.
Daily I walked the alleys and called for him. I walked up and down the nearby streets and called his name. I made signs for "Missing Cat" with his description, etc. and hung these on lamp posts, utility polls, and placed them in vet offices and at the Animal Shelter. I visited the Animal Shelter several times over the next week, and had filed a missing cat report with them on the first day.
Nine days later, after my latest visit to the Animal Shelter, the supervisor called me at home and informed me that she was very sorry, but that Davy had been found mutilated. I couldn't believe it! I thought the mutilations had stopped in our city. She told me that they had never really stopped, they only slowed down periodically, and would then pick up again. And that Davy had been killed during an increase in activity. She thought the police had notified me because they had taken my information off his collar. She said that I could come and get his remains because he was back at the shelter after the necropsy had been completed by a local vet. She told me there wasn't much left of him. Only his head and 2 front legs and collar. He had been found by 2 young boys in the field behind our house. His head, 2 front legs and collar neatly laid out in a straight line.
I was fairly hysterical at this point and called my husband home so that we could go get Davy. When we walked into the shelter, the supervisor brought forth a small, square package from the freezer and handed it to me with such pain in her eyes. The package didn't even weigh 5 lbs.
We brought Davy home and buried him. Our cats immediately became indoor only. Bow fought this change the hardest. He had been indoor/outdoor for 10 years and it was hard to retrain him. But we persisted.
That weekend we installed motion detector floodlights in our driveway and on the front porch. My husband built the cat enclosure and moved Davy's cat flap from the front of the house to the back bedroom leading into the cage.
Tomorrow I will explain the actions I took to try and get this activity stopped and the research that required. Thursday I will explain how Davy played a part in changing Texas state laws.
OH, how sad. Terrible people. I am certain that he would be glad to know that his death was not in vain. The pain you must have went through, I don't know if I could have been as strong as you were.
I a horrified. I will come back and visit but I'm so incredibly saddened that you had to go through such a thing.
It's terrible what people do to animals and I always have to think that people do to animals what they would do to other people if they could.
Of course I'll keep visiting! My goodness, how absolutely horrible. It sounds like you were able to help use Davy's experience to help other cats. I can't even imagine how horrible it must have been. I guess its good I'm terrified of Out of Doors.
How absolutely dreadful! This was something that some sickos were doing on a regular basis? I pray that the scum involved got/will get exactly what they deserve.
my heart breaks for poor davy and all of the other innocent animals who died because of some sicko. i can not even imagine the pain you must have went thru and the hurt you must feel when you remember davy. people like that should be skinned alive. i gotta go cry.
Oh my....the sadness that this leaves me with has no words. I don't understand the harshness of people who do such unspeakable acts against defenseless animals. My personal soapbox is how cruel people are to those who can least protect themselves: animals, small children and the elderly. My hope is that someday I can personally make a difference, especially for the animals.
OH my.... Davey my heart breaks for you and your Momma and Daddy.
Abby's Mom(Debra)
Bless his little heart! That is very disturbing. Animal cruelty and abuse is horrifying, especially such extreme cases like Davys. I'm glad that you were able to change Texas laws, and I'm can't wait to hear how.
It saddens me to know that this type of cruelty exists. You are very brave to tell Davy's story, because I think we must be aware of the dangers outside. I hope it brings you some comfort to know that out of Davy's tragedy, some good came, because you were brave enough to step forward and help bring about changes in the laws.
Our heart breaks for you! This is horrifying!!!!!!!! Our prayers to you during this difficult time!
Oh Davy! How cruel and sadistic people can be! Innocent little animals who know nothing else but how to love and be loved.
We had a story in the paper last week about a girls dog that went missing and she posted all the fliers too, like you did. Then she got a pretty wrapped package on her porch that she assumed was a birthday package and inside was her dog's head! Oh, what a world with such people in it.
sss & mom
How horrible! It is good that you got some laws changed, but that is truly terrible. Poor Davy!
How horrible! Poor, poor Davy. I wonder if he was targeted because he was friendly, then angry. How horrible for your family, too. I can't believe people still do these things to animals (and each other) in what's supposed to be "civilization." Sick, sick, sick.
Oh, of course we'll keep reading! I only hope that those responsible got punished. Mom sez dat da 'ofishuls' (whoever dey are) know dat beans dat hurt helpless aminals kin also hurt beans. She sez der is sum new law here to dat sez if dey are jooviniles and hurt aminals dat dey hasta go fur kownsiling. Dad sez a bullet to da hed cures dat brain sikness reel fast. I'm sher dat Davy iz at da rainbow bridj laffing at his abooser cuz he's happy and helthy and da bad bean iz gonna BURN, BURN, BURN!
Davy was such a handsome guy, he reminds me of my Jasper, also at the Bridge now. Davy watches over you with love and pride for taking such good care of him, learning to love him on his terms and especially fighting to help other cats in his memory.
Hugs & purrs,
Finny & Buddy's mom Nora
I am horrified at what beans can do! I am so glda that Davy helped change laws, but I am equally sorry for the pain he must have suffered! And the pain his loving family suffered! Meowm says she wishes an evil pox on beans who abuse animals! I would like to scratch their eyes out!
Thank you for sharing Davy's story! I will be back to read the rest!
What a terrible thing to happen. How can anyone get pleasure out of such sick behaviour. My heart goes out to you both, and I just hope and pray that Davey's life ended quickly, and that he didn't suffer for long. Take comfort in the fact that he is at the Rainbow Bridge, whole and happy, waiting for your time to join him. I nearly didn't read this, but felt I had to, to share your terrible sorrow.
Eric and Flynn's mum Jackie
Oh, poor Davy! If such disturbed people can be like that to poor animals, what type of people are they? The Girl said that reading about Davy almost made her cry, and she doesn't get emotional about stuff very easy, I can tell you. Also, the Girl and The Mother decided that people like that ought to be locked away for a long time and I agree with them. I am so sorry that you and your family (including all pets of course) had to go through this.
It has to be very difficult to remember all this, but maybe all of us going through it with you can help bring you some measure of peace. I hope it helps, anyway.
Anyone who hurts a precious cat pretty much has no redeeming qualities, I'd say.
Luxie's Mom
Poor, precious Davy! My heart goes out to you and your family -- what a heart-wrenching tragedy. And I'd never stop visiting your wonderful blog! Thank you for telling your story. We kitty bloggers will now know precious Davy through you, and we will cheer your courage in making a difference with the laws.
Sending worlds of hugs.
Thomma Lyn, Chairman Mao's Momma
Oh man I am so sorry. poor Davy. You don't even wanna know what I want to do to people who do stuff like that. 'Cause it's not nice.
I think the Woman is leaking a little. She's mad, too, and can't fathom why anyone woudl do such a thing.
OH MY GOODNESS!! Yes, that was very very hard to read but we have no doubt Davy's early passing wasn't in vain and you did your part to make sure this doesn't happen to other cats.
What happened to poor Davy is absolutely horrible. I can't even imagine how anyone could do such a thing. My heart goes out to you for all you went through during this terrible time. I will keep reading your blog and I want to thank you for sharing Davy's story with us, painful as it must be to you. All pet owners should be made aware of why it is so very important that their pets not be allowed to roam around outside by themselves. Of course, sickos aren't the only danger out there, but they are the worst.
Mom is cryin and cryin, she can't believe anyone would do such a thing to such a lovely cat. We both love your blog, and all of you have been so nice to us, so of course we will come back. I'm going to snuggle a little closer to Mom tonight.
OH MY GOD. That am all way terrybull. Some beans shoodn't be lowed on the face of the urth. Period. Poor Davey. I wunner how them beans wood like to haff that done to them. Poor kitty parints. Hugs, purrs & purrayers frum us.
this is awful. awful. awful. there are no words. we'll always come back! you didn't do anything to deserve this pain and if just one person keeps their cat inside because of this story then you did wonders. mommy volunteers at a local shelter and there have been 2 mutilations found in the past 6 months. one a black cat like me and one a dog. the dog is being called the worst the county has ever seen and PETA has put up a $7,000 award for information leading to an arrest.
it makes mommy's stomach hurt to think of those evil people. it has been shown time and time again that people who hurt animals, hurt people and it is terrifying. we will check back tomorrow to hear how sweet davy helped change the cruelty laws in texas.
I agree with you that no beans that could mutilate an animal could possibly have any redeeming qualities. None. It takes a very sick mind to even THINK of doing it.
Because of what you said at the beginning of this post, I decided not to read further. I can't handle animal abuse, just can't. What a beauty Davy was. I shall read the post tomorrow.
CalicoMom Toni
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