
Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Evil Intruders

This is Annie, reporting live here at the Forty Paws. I must tell our viewing audience that we are being overrun with Evil Intruders. There is the orinch cat who Maw has been feeding for several months. Maw has fattened him up to where he appears to be a nice healthy size now. But Maw saw him up close and personal on top of the fence the other day and he has all of his parts!!! So, now Maw sez that she is going to get a "humane trap" and catch the little bugger and get him fixed.

First off, I ask, is there anything "humane" about a trap? Hello? How would you feel if you were going after some nice smelling filet mignon, or perhaps a pizza and suddenly, you were enclosed in a steel cage? Would you feel as if that were humane? No, I didn't think so. You would likely call the Civil Liberties Union on your cell phone to complain as loudly as possibly before they deported your hiney off to Gitmo. But I digress.

So, now there is a black cat with a VERY FLOOFY FACE appearing at our kitchen window. This is like deja vu! LBC all over again!!! Except LBC didn't have a VERY FLOOFY FACE. And Maw took him to the V-E-T to get his parts snipped also! But at least he found a forever home. Well, we hope FBC (Floofy Black Cat) is already missing his parts, for his sake. Please!

And NOW there is also a grey tabby with white coming to the front windows!!! What do they think this is? The Kool-Aid house? Hello???? We have enough problems here without uninvited Evil Intruders appearing at all hours of the day and night to peer in OUR windows to see what we are doing.

This has been Annie, reporting live here at the Forty Paws. And now we return you to our regular broadcast.


Anonymous said...

Well, sometimes when we don't oblige, even if it is for our own good, drastic measures must be taken...Can't believe we just said that, but it is true...

momsbusy said...

evil intruders will not be so evil (hopefully) once they get their parts snipped! be brave until then.

momsbusy said...

it is concerning that there are so many showing up all at once. people should be more responsible to the well being of their pets. oops, i will step down from my soapbox now.

LZ said...

Obviously the other cats are aware of what a great house you live in. Make sure they don't get inside the house but I think it is OK that your maw is helping them remove their "parts".


Daisy said...

Thanks for the report, Annie! I think it is a very good thing your Maw is doing to take them to have their hoo-has removed. Because pretty soon there would be a lot more than just 3 evil intruders! And if you are not careful, you could end up being the Forty-four Paws blog!

Anonymous said...

That trap isn't so bad. When we were living under the junk car, the people left a trap like that full of stinky goodness. Cocoa walked right in, and I followed. We were pretty happy to be fed and loved and given a home. It took 2 extra days to get Grr to walk into the trap though, and she was NOT happy about it.
So, what are you up to now...52 Paws?

Pearl C. Pritchard said...

Daisy is spot on, Annie. Those parts have to be removed or else you'll have kittens hanging around your house. I had one of those kittens come into my garden last summer and I slapped him down until he ran out of the garden. Yes I did.

Your maw is really kind to feed a hungry cat.

Gemini said...

Oh I think that efurry cat knows how luck you are and wants to get in on your action!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Hmm fink it's a good ideer to git those hoo-haas taken away or yoo could end up as hundred and forty paws.

Parker said...

Annie, my Mommy wants you to tell your Maw and Paw this for her -
You guys rock! She wishes all humans were as wonderful as yours.

Anonymous said...

Tuxie Tuesday was way handsome.

Your mom and dad are doing a lot to help kitties.
Is your house a kool-aid house??
what is kool-aid?

:-P ~Caesar

caspersmom said...

It's a wonder those intruders come by your place. You would think the word would get out if they go by your house they get some parts cut off. Heck, maybe they do think it's the Kool-Aid house. Actually I wouldn't think it was kool at all. Actually maybe you ought to report them all as peeping toms.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Ach, evil introoder allert! What ever yoo do, don't let yoor mom love on them or they'll end up as yoor 'dopted brofurs and sisfurs! Getting their hoo-has taken off is okay tho, then there won't be even more evil introoders hanging around.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Sorry to hear about all the evil intruders! It is very nice of your maw to trap them and get them fixed though! That way they won't have a lot of unwanted kittens.


Miss Annie you sure do a nice job of reportin da noos! I fink yu ought to go into broadcastin! Well yur Maw is goin do a furry gud fing and take those evel intruders to da vets and gettem all fixed up so dat der will be no more little baby kittys runnin around.

Mr. Jinx

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

humm, Evil Intruders are looking in at you?! Are they SPIES!????! eek!

Mo and The Purries said...

Annie that was a great report!
I don't think that they're so much Evil Intruders as kitties are jealous of how good y'all @ 40 paws have gots it going on!
They want to make it 52 paws!!!

(Okay, Maw, you can stop clutching your chest now...)

We hopes that Orinch Cat gets "fixed" even if he doesn't think anything is broke.

Your Maw is a wonderful bean, you know that, right?

Not The Mama

Victor Tabbycat said...

Annie, at my howse, amost all the windoze are too high fur evil intruder kitties to look in, but sumtimes we gets birds an squirrels RIGHT THERE. If you don't want peepin Toms (pun intended), change yur howse to a raised ranch.

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

They know a good place to go! They know your Momma is a soft touch......hehe.....
