Many of you asked about the hair in Maw's noisy, sucky, vakwoom masheen on Saturday's post. That hair was from a lite vacuum of 2 bedrooms we are sad to say. When Maw does a heavy vakwoom of all the rooms and the cat beds and cat trees, she empties the canister 5 times. It's not as if she never vakwooms. She does. Frequently. It's just that we shed. A Lot. Frequently.
So when Maw hosts her Bunco or Keno groups, she does 2 heavy vakwooms in the same week so that her guests don't have furry condiments. Maw & Paw are used to furry garnishes, but not efurry body is as tolerant as they are of our furs.
Luf, Us
I biggified you so I could take in your handsome mancatliness better.
Oh that hair thing! Mom's always washing things - just look at this cat hair, she says - and then we lie back down on the clean stuff and it's all hairy again.
We knoos bout dey vac-koom...it goes off alot around our houze too. Also we don't udderstand why Momma hasta to wash our covers when we gets them JUSS rite. She am fussing bout our chair covers wif all dee black furrs on it...she says we sheds lots too...
Furry handsome manly pixchur!
We hate the vacuum. Maybe if we got one of those really cool ones like you have it would be better.
Happy Man Cat Monday!
The vacuum cleaner looks ginormous! (Is it a dyson?) We could probably clean our whole apartment with one tank to empty!
Dorf, yo uare a very hansom mancat!
we are not sure why not everyone likes kitty hair in their food? extra fiber! MOL!
Momma vacuums everyday at our house. It stinks because just when i get my furs on the carpet and furniture just right, she sucks them up in the Eureka. Grrrr
Dorf yoo are looking furry manly. Are yoo keeping lookout furr the sucky masheen? Mum duz one big vakyoom and one kwik one efurry week, and she sez if peepull come unexpectid in between times and don't like the furrs-TUFF!! We agree cuz if the furr's good enuff furr us, it should be good enuff furr them.
Dorf - you've been taken over by a Goa'uld! Your eyes are glowing! ;)
I guess with 10 of you, there is going to be a lot of cat hair, no matter what. I think I'm happy I don't have any fur to shed!
Dorf, I can barely see your snaggletoof! Your face is cute, I mean, manly!
What's a little cat hair amongst friends?
When I vaccum I swear I have a herd of shedding kitties and I only have 2 indoors! Can't imagine how much it must be with 10 of them!!!!
Dorf, you are too cute for words!
Oh, eh-hem, I mean you are quite the mancat!
That's a great picture of you, Dorf! Happy Mancat Monday.
And my oh my, Mom and I hear you on the fur and the vacuuming! With four of us, there's a lot of fur about. And even though Brainball is floofier than I am, I'm still pretty floofy, and I shed more than any of the other kitties in here! When Mom and I snuggle for a long time, so much of my hair gets on her that she looks almost like a white cat herself, *giggle*.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Furry manly Dorf! 10 years ago dad gave mom a whole howse vacoom fur Krissmouse. Dats da kind where da akshooal sucky part is in da basement and der is just a whole in da wall dat yoo plug a snake-hoos into and it hisses and wissels dat us. Yer appose ta be able to haf da same bag for about 3-4 mumfs but we gotta change ours about effury 5 weeks.
Wowie that's lots of hair! Our Mommy is quite used to kitty hair in everything too.
OH MY GOODNESS...RUN!!!!!!!! It's the DYSON that I talk about! I am terrified of the DYSON! It always comes after me! And you know what, make sure all your kitties sibs are still there cause the DYSON likes to eat cats! RUN!!!
Oscar is so silly! You have a lot of fur and a great vac to get it all up. Vacuuming 2x a week is a great idea. Don't you just wish the cats could vac themselves clean? LOL!
Kim (Oscar's Mommy)
Apparently the catsitter had to clean the fur off so many places in the house for the 2 days that she came to visit. Her socks were full of white fur, MOL!!!
~Marie, Donny and Casey, all significant contributors to da white fur!
Now, that is one terrific mancat picture! I personally don't care for the vacuuming because of the noise. And I really do shed quite a bit!
Lol, that's very inconvenient having hairs ! I had to clean the inside of my car because Arthur used it as napping place the last days, white hairs on blue fabric ... difficult to get out.
Mommy here - I managed not to faint even though Dorf has me hyperventilating - what a sweet boy! The fur from 4 cats at our house is a lot + a dog! So there is a lot of vacuuming and brushing and grooming and lint brushing and sticky tape using and if people come to our house they just have to deal with the stray fur(s)!
Dorfie -- you sure are handsome!
Chloe said "mrrrowww!"
And last night, when Daphne was playing with a new rattle mousie on the steps, Not The Mama about fainted to see all the cat hair in the stair corners! That vacuum is coming out tonight -- run, kids!
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