In udder noos, yup, we ist still seeing ranes. Altho yestday it wuz sunny da hole day!!! But, anudder cold frunt is moovin in (accordin to da wedder beans on da talkin pikshur box). We ist sposed to git frum 3-4" ov rane today & tomorrow.
Da farmers dat wuz intervooed on da talkin pikshur box yestday at da Farmer's Markit of Dallasss wuz complainininin dat der veggies & fruuts r water logged & taste like water. Altho dey has a bumper crop dis yeer becuz ov da ranes, dey say it dunt taste as guud. Watever.
Maw sez she lerned wen she livved in Omawhaw fur 10 yeers dat u caint pleeze a farmer. Itz eifer too hot, too cold, too wet, or too dry. Or der supplies cost dem too much. Watever.
We still dunt mind da ranes. It hast bin much cooler dan normal fur Dallassss. An we likes dat.
Luf, Us
Dat Buster looks like a fine poodin. We are still gitting rain too, and yesterday the weatherman sed it wuz going to rain all July and probly August too. It's rained efurr since the middle of May and we're fed up wiv it.
I haf tagged Obi furr a meme, see my post furr deetales.
you little cuties stay dry, okay? i think lizards like ranes too! how about dat???
smiles, auntie bee
It does seem like you can't please farmers, there is always something wrong with the weather.
Mommy worked in Kansas for a long time and says the same thing about farmers!
HI FRIENDS! I've missed you bunches!
Here in Arkansas it has rained for three weeks straight! While my beans were in New Orleans, Biloxi and Huntsville, AL over the last two weeks, it rained everyday in those places, too! I think the whole Southern half of the country is getting slammed! When my beans got home from their vacation, the lawn was so HIGH! It took two days to mow it because the yard is so large, they have a push mower (that sucks) and it rained every half hour or so. Well, at least they've been in the house with me! Have a great weekend!
Buster is a good looking cat and as hotel cat he has a nice job.
We are in a drought.
Oh. Vegetables are supposed to taste good? Hmmm.
The hotel kitty is very handsome!
You could share some rain... I think a lightning bolt could set our grass on fire it is so dry.
Yeah, mom sez dat about farmers too...but our grass is getting kinda dry and mom has had to water the rose bush and uther flowers. So, a little rain here would be okay.
Hi 40 Paws!
Could you please send some rain to IOWAH!? Our backyard is brown. It was very lushus and green but then it has not rained in a while.
Maybe we will try a rain dance? Or have our 2-legged kitten try...he likes to dance!
That Buster is quite good-looking!
I just *knew your Paw was planning to sneak away when I heard about that suitcase. Hmm ... I would think that juicy fruits and veggies would taste *better! What do I know? I'm a cat.
it's good that the place where paw stays has a cat.
we like cooler summers...and rain in the summer is nice. since mom's lived in wettern washington, the past four summers have been really hot. blech.
did you hear i might get a baby sister next week?
ben fuzzbunikin
I'm glad the weather is staying cool for you! We hate it when it gets too hot. We don't mind the rain either since we are indoor-only cats. I don't think we would like it very much if we lived outside. Is Orinch okay in the rain?
Buster looks like a very nice cat and was very friendly to let paw take his picture!
A very handsome lad indeed. Momma would like to always stay at hotels with cats.
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