Dorfie is officially done! No more toofies, no more operashuns, no more coneheads, no more medicines!!! He hast bin declared DONE! You kin kinena see wer his nek wuz shaved fur wer hiz feedin tube wuz inserted.
We ist all SO HAPPY! Oh, we ist gonna take big naps now...
Luf, Us
Hooray for Dorfie! You are so lucky, because now you will never have to worry about those nasty teeths again! I am very glad that you are doing so well now.
Lucky you Dorfie, to be "done". What a relief it is to feel like yourself again, isn't it?
oboy oboy oboy!!! yay dorfie. think i'll go take a nap now too!!!
smiles, auntie bee
Awwww, that's great news!
Hey, ho, the Dorfers done! Hey ho, Dorfie's done! That's great news! Are you getting used to eating with no teef? Rest up my friend. I'll dedicate my next nap in your honor.
For he's a jolly good Dorfie!
For he's a jolly good Dorfie!
For he's a jolly good Dorfie!
That, nobody can deny!!
Yay for Dorfie! It must be a relief for you to know that you don't have to take any more medicine or be a conehead or go to the bet dentist any more.
whoohoo! we're so happy to hear that you're done! an guess what...our poor Quiet Girl just gotted braces on her teef yesterday an she's plannin' ta be miserable fur 2 years. teef is annoyin' an painful. glad yur done wif yurs!
Oh, what a relief it must be! Has you gots ANY teef left? Take care of them! Purrs!
YAY! YAY! YAY!!! That is good news! Teeths are very, very bad things sometimes. I'm glad you're done with them.
Yay Dorf! You have emerged on the other side of this ordeal and look how good you are doing!!!!
We will dedicate a nap in your honor.....then do some nip in your honor!
YAY Dorfie!!!! WOOO HOOOO!! I wish i was done wif my teefs too.
- your buddy Miles
Oh Darlin' Dorf!!! I am so happy for you. I am going to go and take a nap in your honor! You look great!
Smooches and hugs to you!
Hooray! Congratulations Dorf!. We're so happy for you.
What a gorgeous boy!
I'm so happy for you, Dorfie!
Dorfie - isn't it a relief not to have to deal with toothies any more. We can get by just fine without them.
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