
Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Hey efurrybody!

Check out this moth that Maw found yesterday while she was trimming the Eleagnus bushes!!! She was going to pick off the dead leaves and as she reached for them she went, "EEEEEKKKK!" The moth stayed there the whole time Maw was trimming and raking and never left! Don't you think he did a wonderful job of camoflaging himself?

Luf, Us


Daisy said...

He is a good camouflage moth! My Mommie would SCREAM if she saw that when she was gardening. But I doubt she would be gardening anyway. She is not very good with plants.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Holy cow! Is everything big in Texas?

LZ said...

WOW!!! Tasty large snack!!! But Meowmy would have eeked I'm sure.



Grate campo.....


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i wud eek too...

smiles, auntie bee

Rosemary B❤️ said...

That is a very large moth!
So, did the moth say hello?

Mo and The Purries said...

That is a wicked looking moth. At first I thought it was some sort of spider.
Very cool!

The Furry Fighter said...

wow - he looks big too!
my meowmie is ok with insetcs - but she HATES waorms so in unable to have a garden. she won't even go on grass when it has been raining. how patheteic is that? x

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Mmmm, it looks tasty...

Lux said...

That's amazing - I had to look & look to make it out, so it must really be talented at camouflage! My mom can't see very well and she would probably have grabbed it accidentally!

Tyler said...

Mommy hates insects, but we like them. That is quite a big moth though. I'd like to bat him around a bit.

The Wanderer said...

ooooh, yummy! hehehe
course we would have to yak up the wings later.


Pumpkin said...

It looks like a leef. Or stiks. I don't fink we got THOSE in Hah-why-eee.

Christine and FAZ said...

That's a brilliant photograph. I had to look twice to see the moth. I usually eat moths when I find them but I don't think I'd eat this one. FAZ