Ok, 'amember how we toldeded u dat Maw hast da Bunco an da Keno par-tays da same month so she only has to sucky up all owr furs reeeely gud onceded? Ok, so last nite she haded da Keno game. Well, tek-nik-ly it's Po-Ke-No. An dey drink dem all-kee-hol-lik bev-rijjes at dis par-tay. So, anyway, Maw wast kleeenin an kleeenin an cookin yestday fur da Keno par-tay. An she sukked up anudder 2 or 3 poodins but we ist all still heer.
Den she mooveded efurryting agin. We gitz all kindz of upset an ank-jus wen she duz dat krap. We dunt like no kind of chanj. So, she fixes da King Ranch Chik-hen, an Broccly w/Craisins & Peekan Salad, an Cold-slawd. An she moooves da pooter frum da liffin ruum to da bedruum. An she putz da BIG table wid lotz of chairs in da liffin ruuum. An deze wumen come ofer an dey eet, den dey play Po-Ke-No. An dey git prizes, bud no catnip. Wat gud iz dat? Hello? Den dey haf Dump Cake. We ist like, who ist gonna eat a Dump Cake? Hello? So den we tinks bowt da res-pee dat Maw hast fur a Kitty Litter Cake, wid Tootsie Rolls fur turds. But dat ain't da same as da Dump Cake. Anyway, efurrybody lufs Dump Cake. Well, sept us.
Oh yeah. We furgot to tell u dat we lay on da tables an da peepul dat dunt haf no poodins or woofies go "Eeeek". Weze laffin an laffin as JH wood say. Datz wie Maw hast da sine dat sez

So, den dey all leaf. Den Maw putz efurryting bak. Den Maw getz on pooter cuz she ist hafin widdrawl. Oy. An den she finds owt dat da skreen hast dun gottin liddle when she moooveded da pooter. So she hast sum more whine. Wite Zyn-fun-dil.
Oh, an da furry bad bad bad bean dat stabbed hiz puppy Mercy an lit her on fire gotz 4 yeers prizun tyme. He kin git owt in 2 yeers on parole. His lie-er is gonna a-peel.
Luf, Us
Den she mooveded efurryting agin. We gitz all kindz of upset an ank-jus wen she duz dat krap. We dunt like no kind of chanj. So, she fixes da King Ranch Chik-hen, an Broccly w/Craisins & Peekan Salad, an Cold-slawd. An she moooves da pooter frum da liffin ruum to da bedruum. An she putz da BIG table wid lotz of chairs in da liffin ruuum. An deze wumen come ofer an dey eet, den dey play Po-Ke-No. An dey git prizes, bud no catnip. Wat gud iz dat? Hello? Den dey haf Dump Cake. We ist like, who ist gonna eat a Dump Cake? Hello? So den we tinks bowt da res-pee dat Maw hast fur a Kitty Litter Cake, wid Tootsie Rolls fur turds. But dat ain't da same as da Dump Cake. Anyway, efurrybody lufs Dump Cake. Well, sept us.
Oh yeah. We furgot to tell u dat we lay on da tables an da peepul dat dunt haf no poodins or woofies go "Eeeek". Weze laffin an laffin as JH wood say. Datz wie Maw hast da sine dat sez

So, den dey all leaf. Den Maw putz efurryting bak. Den Maw getz on pooter cuz she ist hafin widdrawl. Oy. An den she finds owt dat da skreen hast dun gottin liddle when she moooveded da pooter. So she hast sum more whine. Wite Zyn-fun-dil.
Oh, an da furry bad bad bad bean dat stabbed hiz puppy Mercy an lit her on fire gotz 4 yeers prizun tyme. He kin git owt in 2 yeers on parole. His lie-er is gonna a-peel.
Luf, Us
man oh man, y'all tired me out just readin' bout all maw did yesterday! wow she must be super woman or sumptim! i mean... i need a nap!
smiles, auntie bee
Momma laughed and laughed at the little sign you have!
we need that sign too!!
mommy LOVES LOVES LOVES dump cake!!! she makes it in her crocky-pot and it does smell good, but we doesn't eat it.
Yer Maw wuz furry bizzy gitting reddy furr all the ladies, she must haf needed the whine to reelacks. We laffed about Reno going nutzoid. Tell him his purrize wuz postid yesterday so he should git it in a week to ten days.
We're glad the bad bean got four years. Sumtimes here when they appeal if they dun sumfing bad, sumtimes they git a longer sentinss. We hope the jujj changes it to eight years.
This sign is perfect, even my food has my hair in it~! And michico didn't put my hair at the first time~!!! Great sharing.
Michico loves to cook, too. But she doesn't know how to make dump cake.
Yr Maw is just way too busy these days ... I think she needs to relax more! With that whine ...
Boy,that was a busy time.Good thing the prizes were not catnip.What would beans want with catnip.Better that you keep it.
Mom wants to know ..What is Dump Cake?( or Litter Cake) yeah she's slow!
Our mom says that any sane judge should laugh in the face of that evil man's lie-er for even trying to appeal. He deserves EVERYTHING coming to him.
My Mommy is tired after reading everything your Maw did. Please tell us more about Maw's dump cake. Anything made in a crock pot would be good!
Good job making the ladies go Eeeek.
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