Thirteen Reasons Why This is Probably Not a Good Thing

1. This new poodin showed up Monday and scarfed down Orinch's food. 2. Paw decided to call this new poodin "Bob". 3. Maw thinks Bob might be a Bobbie. 4. If Bob is Bobbie, and she hasn't had her lady gardenectomy, then this isn't good. 5. Bob/Bobbie is about as skittish as Orinch. 6. Orinch still hasn't gotten his hoo-haws cut off. 7. We DID NOT put out the sign that says "This is the Kool-Aid house for poodins." DID NOT. 8. Now Maw needs to trap 2 poodins and get them fixed. 9. Now Annie is worried about 2 Evil Intruders. 10. These 2 poodins and the opussum, Opie, eat 1+ bowls of food per day. 11. Maw hates having poodins around that are outdoor only because of Davy being killed and Bow having the be-be pellet in his back. She is very scared of what might happen to Orinch & Bob/Bobbie. 12. We are NOT changing our name to Forty-Eight Paws. NOT. 13. Life sux and then you die. Luf, Us |
forty eight paws are a lot, i must admit...
smiles, auntie bee
Forty-eight paws is a lot better than eleventy-seven paws! Hope Bob & Orinch don't start making babies! Good luck!
I think it is very good of you Maw to feed Orinch and Bob(bie), and that she wants to trap them and get them fixed. I wish there were more people out there like your Maw! Hopefully if she can manage to trap them and have them fixed, they can both find Forever Homes (but not with you guys). I agree that forty paws are more than enough!
Your maw is a great maw! She is a super nice lady with a huge heart. We hopes Bob/Bobbie and Orinch get their surgeries before they um, well, you know. ;)
Have a good day you guys!
Uuuppps hope Bob/Bobbie and Ornich don't meet up behind the water cooler for ummm well yu knoos.... Maw yu is really grate!
Pee Sss
Tell Annie Mr, Jinx will be ofur to protect her frum da evill intrudors...
Oh dear! Bob/Bobbie is very beautiful, but I can see why you don't want to have more and more kitties show up at your doorstep. It is very nice of you to get them fixed.
No 48 paws is not such a good name. I hope that your Maw can get them trapped so that you don't have to 60 paws or anything either!
Maw needs an assistant! Oh -- that must be Paw. But then they need another assistant.
It's good of you to feed the helpless critters.
thanks for the info you left on our blog. we will check into that this weekend.
good luck w/ trapping of orinch and bob/bobbie. we will be purrayin yu is successful. we hopes yu can find thems good homes too. we woodnts wants annie to haf to worry abouts evil intruders.
yuki & kimiko
oh dear!! poor bob/bobbie though. if bob was a bobbie and she and orinch gotted married there would be MORE than 48 paws!!! that's ALOT!!!
48 Paws! Goodness. We don't know how your mom and paw does it. You got some mighty fine beans to have soooo man fur babies. Even though we's only 8 paws, our mom keeps saying she wants more. We thinks that day is coming - we just don't know when.
Midnite & Stray Kitty
Well she(we vote with your mom) is very pretty! At least she has some food at your house.
Mom had a dream about Davy last night. She was holding him in her chair and petting & talking to him and dad came home and said: who is that white cat? And mom told him: This is Davy. I'm keeping him safe. Mom was sad when she woked up.
we sure hope you get 'em trapped and fixed know. it's furry nice of you to take care of all of 'em. they prolly don't need a sign - they can spot a kind purrson without one.
hey - we just realized we're 24 paws...32 if you count the swimmy turtles.
Scooby, Shaggy & Scout's mom's dream made our Lady leak from the eyes.
Oh no....just what you all need! I certainly hope they can get caught soon and get fixed!
S,S & S's mom's dream made our mom's eyes leak too. Mom sez if Bob/Bobbi just started showing up to check around and see if yoo gots new naybors dat let der cat go outside and if yoo do den yoo gotta warn dem about how danjerus it is. Dad always sez "I never see any cats out any more" and mom sez dat is cuz she made such a stink about it. Let's hope she is fitzed and dat her and Orinch don't do dat thing and make more paws!
You already have ALOT of paws!
Wow, an Opussum! That sounds interesting.
you are right 48 paws is a lot.
We hope everything works out smoothly and quickly... and that Bob/Bobby and Orinch AND Opie find someplace to live.
Puuuurrrrrrrs, Princess
That you will trap and "fix" these 2 cats is a good thing.
Every little bit helps.
get the lady-garden trimmed! quick! or you could end up with 96 paws!!!
I Just know that the perfect forever homes are out there for these two. Thank you for being willing to trap them and get them fixed, that's a lot to ask of a family that's already caring for so many.
Ugh, I know how you feel Maw, we are everywhere, too bad there are not everywhere homes. Good luck with the trapping and the fixing and the homing and the worrying...
Maw is awesome! Ernest and I wish her luck. We are worried about Orinch and Bob/Bobbie too. We heard that KFC is irresistable to trap shy cats.... and to indoor only orange cats!
Poor Davy and Bow... it's scary out there!
Great TT post! I'm scared of the outside cats, too. We adopted a great litter of four that wondered up to our house a while back, only to find that three had feline leukemia.
We loved them, though, and they had good lives!
We only have 12 paws now. The house seems kind of empty...well, except for the toddler~
We don't know about 48 paws but we just love visting you because you always make us smile!!!!!
Purrrrs, China Cat & Willow
You better keep an eye on the bushes, you know what can go on behind them!
Agreed, 48+ paws is probably too many...
O man! We never see any cats around these parts, yet you have them everywhere! Bob or Bobbie is pretty!
I can so sympathize with you. There is a little stray feral cat that has been coming here for food for four years. No way in hell will she go in a trap. Thankfully for some reason she is naturally sterile.
Hmm we hope yoo can trap Bob(bie) befurr yoo haf a gazillion paws visiting yoo. Mebbe Orinch caught the dove furr him/her to share wiv him.
pee-ess furr Reno.
Mum couldn't git the last part of yer purrize until today but now it's all pakkijed up ready to go furrst fing in the morning.
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