
Saturday, October 20, 2007

Photo Hunt #25

This week's photo hunter's theme is "practical". We decided to show you the practical tip that the book "Living With Blind Dogs" by Caroline D. Levin, RN, suggests. To help cats and dogs with failing eyesight, she suggests putting black electrical tape on steps or on wall corners to help the dog delineate that object from the surrounding areas. Since Dorf is having trouble with the garden tub step, the tub itself, and the bathroom counter, Maw put painter's tape on the edges of those surfaces. Now all the cats are a little freaked out about these lines, but they'll get used to it.


HRH Yao-Lin said...

what a wonderful idea!!! You know, if the human did that in my house, i would swiftly set about tearing up the tape and then laugh as the dog fell over. But then, I am rather horrible at times!

Speaking of horrible that article made my blood boil too. I too wish someone would take his stupid kids and dump them 25 miles away and see how he likes losing something beloved.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Dats funny...we'd freak out at da tape too. We did it when mom painted and she put dat tape on stuff! Does Dorf haf any vizshun? Da naybors cat it totally blind and dat woodent help, but, she does have a strip of "stair safe", which a sanpapery stuff, at da top of da stairs so da kitty knows where dey is. Mom and dad are going out to purposely get shot today! Can yoo beleeve how weerd beans is?

Lux said...

That's a great idea - has Dorf shown any reaction to the tape? Or is it too soon to tell?

Gemini said...

Oh Dorfie, you are so lucky that you have such thoughtful humans!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That is a wonderful idea! I'm glad you've gotten some practical tips from the book. I hope it helps Dorf. He remains in my prayers.

Daisy said...

That is a great idea! I hope it helps Dorfie. Dorf is lucky to have such a caring home with you.

Victor Tabbycat said...

That's a furry practical solution! Mom's gonna amember that. We got ours up. Poor Dorf! He's lucky to haf you guys, since he always seems to haf problems.

Dad hung all the kitchen pans on a rack an Bonnie was ascared of it. She still acts surprised if the pans are down fur awhile an then he puts them up again. We don't like changes in our werld!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

That is really good idea~!

Mickey's Musings said...

What an excellent idea.Very practical as well.Hope it helps Dorf.

Cindy said...

pawsitively practical indeed!

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Hello Forty Pawz,

We iz happy to meet you. We iz only twenty pairs of pawz, so we sitz in admiration of dis blog!

Our Auntie Stinkie iz gettin a little troublez wit her eyesite, so momee found dis tip in-sight-full & will tink carefully about employin' such a ting az we move forward.

-Dr Tweety

Mr. Hendrix said...

what a great idea! very practical. i'm sure the other kitties will get used to the tape.
that is a great book, i hope we never need it, but it is nice to know it is out there.

Team Tabby said...

Hope the tape helps Dorf!

Sasha said...

A good idea, thank you for visiting me and for your wishes. Forty wishes, that is a lot!

Karen Jo said...

That is very practical. I hope it helps Dorf.

Parker said...

Fantastic idea for Dorfie! I bet it helps him!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Great idea! I hope it helps Dorfie. Please let us know how this idea works out.