
Monday, October 8, 2007

Reno's Prize!!!

Reno's prize packij frum owr bestest furriends, Eric & Flynn arrived Satday frum da Yoo-kay fur krektly guessing da date & time ov der 200th post! Reno wuz so furry iscited acuz he neffer wins nuttin. Not efen rasslin matches wid his brudders & sisfur. So he was astatik wen he fownded owt dat he wonned!!! Whoo hoo!!!

Reno marking his purrize box frum da Yoo-Kay. Eric & Flynn's messij.
Reno rollin in his purrizes.
Reno & Obi checkin owt da loot. Gatsbi, Reno, Smokey, an Obi checkin owt da loot.

Sally watching Obi & Smokey eatin da Salmon Tem-tay-shuns owtta da kontayner.

Reno, Gatsbi, G.T., Obi, Annie, and Smokey taking a rest in between checking out the goods.
Annie ov course enjoying the wrapping which she thinks is the best purrize.
"Ok, now I walk in da box dat my purrizes camed frum da Yoo-Kay in."

"Hey, ist der ennyfing else in der?"

Reno ist now tyred frum so much playin an ist wrestin.

Tanks Eric & Flynn! My purrize ist SO MUCH FUN!!!!



LZ said...

How wonderful!! What a package of fun that Reno was very nice to share with everyone. I myself would be partial to chewing on the box but I'm sure you all took care of that as well :).


Parker said...

Hooray for Reno winning all of that cool stuff from Eric and Flynn! It looks like a good time was had by all, 'cept Mommy did not see Dorf. Is he OK???

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wow, you received a great prize package from Eric and Flynn! Congratulations on winning, Reno. :) Enjoy your prizes. :)

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Wooo, fur a first time win dat was a furry nice pakaje! Mom was laffing cuz she sez dat we multiply when der is fun stuff brawt in da house. She sez der are at leest 6 cats here when da fresh nip is out...

Sunny's Mommy said...

What very nice prizes you won! It's so nice that everyone got to enjoy them because you shared. Congratulations on your win and prizes, Reno!

Mickey's Musings said...

Way to go Reno!!! Looks like you cats has a blast!!!
(Mom says that.I don't know what it means,but I think it means fun.)

Daisy said...

What a fabulous prize package! It was very good of you to share, Reno.

Eric and Flynn are so nice!

Shaggy and Scout said...

That is a great package of prizes you got Reno! And you are a nice kitty to let the others have a look too.

Gemini said...

It looks like you all had a wonderful time with those prizes! I am glad there was something for everyone!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh baby what lovely purrizes!

smiles, auntie bee

Anonymous said...

"Wow" great prize and cute photos :)

The Furry Kids said...

You guys got a lot of loot! Congratulations!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Hey Reno we're glad yoo liked yer purrize. Could yoo smell us on the box? We kept gitting on the werktop to check it out befurr it got postid.Yoo wuz furry good to share wiv efurrycat.The box is anuvver toy reely.

The Wanderer said...

We just read the story about the white panther kitty. We is so sorry you had to go through all that and that the sadistic jerks walked.
Momma says she commends you for your hard work in helping protects the kitties!!

~All of Us~

ASTOR CATS said...

Wow! That's a lot of loot you got for winning the contest. You was so good to share everything with your buds.

Midnite & Stray Kitty

Lux said...

Heh heh, that sure brought all the kitties out! Just look at all those great prizes! :)

Poppy Q said...

Wow what great prizes. Eric and Flynn must of had to rob a bank to buy all that loot. You guys look like you having fun with it all.