Do any of you poodins tremble your tail when you get really excited? Annie does. It quivers from the base all the way to the tip. She gets very excited when she is on the kitchen counter and is waiting for milk. She gets very excited when she awakens from a nice nap on the bed and goes with Maw into the master bathroom. She gets very excited when she is helping Paw on the computer. So we call her "Tremble Tail".
Annie, your tremble tail sounds very cute! My tail quivers sometimes when I get excited too! :) My tail is very expressive in general.
Miss Annie
My tail is tremblin lookin at this gorjuss pixchur of yu!
Annie, your tremble tail sounds adorable! Mine trembles when I say good morning to mommy and she gets out the temptation treats! That is a lovely picture of you . . . you are a pretty kitty!
I do the same thing!!!! I shake the base of my tail when I see the brush and when I see my beans reaching for my food bowl when I get my dinner!!
how cute! that I think about it. My tail does tremble but not as much as yours, Annie.
Anyhow, you're cute. What I like about you is that you get excited about all kinds of things and, after all, isn't that what life is all about? Just to get excited about leaving the bed to go into the loo with Maw... so sweet.
Oh momma says the Iggy cat who came before was like that! She likes the tremble tail action! She would like to come rub your ears while your tail is trembling--do you make bread too?
I do it a little bit, but not nearly as much as you do Annie. I like that name for it, "Tremble Tail".
What a sweetheart. She's very pretty.
Tremble Tail is a great name for that. That's how Mommy and Daddy know that I really, really like or want something!
You probably don't play poker do you Annie?
I've heard of that but none of us do it. I just get tail poof.
we duzzn't do that, but it sownds furry cute. Grr's tale you-shully twitches back an forf lots wich meens she's anyfing BUT happy. when i'z happy i curls mine tale 'round stuff like the Lady's rist an arm.
Annie: Jazper says Wrrrowww!
And Spooker is the tremblest-tailest of us all here @ Purrchance To Dream.
I do that alot too. Sometimes when I am on the bed with Mum and I tremble my tail the whole bed shakes, it is funny!
I don't fink I do tremble tail, but I do a lot of butt wigglin afore I pounce! An when mine Mom brushes me, the base of my tail gets poofy, just like Chase's.
Our tails quiver sometimes too! Midnite's tail trembles when she gets pats on the backside. She really likes that. My tail trembles when mom bring out the Temptations! I just can't wait.
Midnite & Stray Kitty
Delilah doez dat same tail ting. She likez to do it when she iz helpin' da momee or da dadee in da kitsc-hen.
Dis iz a nice pic of of you az well!
-Dr Tweety
I think my tail trembles.....but Meowm thinks I am trying to mark my territory!
yes it does - and i flick it about too when i am begging for something :)
i also puff it out like a big squirrel tail if i feel extreme pleasure!
Mum can tell how acited I am by my tail. Still, thumping, swishing etc.
we donts gots tremble tails. mommees thinks it woods be reely kool to see.
yuki & kimiko
Meeko does that...and she makes biscuts wif her back paws at the same time. Momma didn't know that girl cats could do that. S She thought that only boy kitties that were "spraying" did it.
~Meeko and Kiara
Nope I don't do that but Tiger duz. Momma sez it looks like he's gonna spray sumfing but he's only acited and happy.
That's so cute about the tail - look how huge her eyes are!
Mt tail slashes out like a whip when I get excited!!! I can even make noises with it because it trembles so hard!
Oh, Sadie does dat. She has a furry talented tail...she will stand unner a chair and tickle, with just the tip of her tail, the backs of knees. She likes to stand on mom's lap and tickle mom's noze wif her tail tip too. She also wraps her tail all the way around mom's wrist when she gets brushed. She mostly does tremble tail fur daddy tho.
Tremble tail always happened to me everyday~!
I think the tremble tail nick name is very good~!
Wishing you all a happy and safe Halloween!
opus and roscoe
Perfect cute kitty behavior - Snow is the 'tremble tail' here. His tail is always quivering - whether he is eating, purring or jumping around :)
Oooh, you gots the tremble tail! Mom calls me quivvy tail because I can make the tip of my tail quiver.
My tail whips aroun' when I'm excited. I'd like to see Annie's tail tremble tho!
I don't personally but I know a cat who does. I get all bitey when I am excited which is pretty boring for the humans. FAZ
Oh Annie, I didn't know anycat did that except ME! My tail trembles when I'm excited too, 'specially when I'm going to get something I like (like people food) or when I'm talking to Dad.
I do that only when my mom is giving me her ful attention. She has to be petting me AND talking to me in her sweet voice. I pace back and forth and then my tail begins to vibrate. I thought I was the only one who did that!
We both tremble our tails when we are very happy and also about to get our food. Mom didn't realize some cats don't do this (we are her first kitties ;)
Moe & Mindy
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