
Monday, November 12, 2007

Brakink Noos

Dis jist in.... Maw trappededed Orinch & he ist at da V-E-T to git tested, shot, dee-wurmeded, hoo-haw-ectomy, & dee-fleeed. He ist not happy.

Luf, Us


Shaggy and Scout said...

Congrats Maw!! This was a long time coming, but you finally got him! Does he have a warm place to sleep outside? Gosh he's handsome!

Daisy said...

Well, I am sure Orinch is not very happy, but I am very glad that he finally got trapped and he will get the care he needs. So there will not be a lot of little Orinches running around. Your Maw is nice.

pissed off patricia said...

Good for you and good for him too, he just doesn't know it yet. That's about the way Fred looked the day I tricked him into walking into a carrier.

Anonymous said...

aww - poor guy looks so scared! it's a very good thing though Orinch - you need to be healthy and stuff and those people are furry nice to take care of you.

how's Gatsbi today?

LZ said...

Uh-oh....poor Orinch! Though he's going to be so much better off without those hoo-haws!


Sunny's Mommy said...
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Sunny's Mommy said...

He may not be happy, but it's best for him.

The Furry Fighter said...

wow - he looks very unhappy bout it! maybe he knows whats coming...x

Gemini said...

I would hate to have to go to the vet for all of that.

The Meezers or Billy said...

Poor Orinch! Fank you Maw for taking such good care of him though!! You're the bestest!

The Furry Kids said...

Orinch does NOT look happy. Yay for your Maw catching him though. Your Maw is a very nice Maw.

The Lee County Clowder said...

So what are the long term plans for Orinch? Is your blog gonna turn into 'Forty-Four Paws'?

Tyler said...

Awww, Maw I bet the Vet loves to see you walk in the door. You've probably have put her kids through college.

You are such a good person to do this for poor Orinch.

How IS Gatsbi?

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh deer, we are sending calming purrrs to Orinch. He must be frightened but we know he is in good hands (yikes, did I just say that?)

<3 and purrrrrrrs to all of you

Just Ducky said...

Wow Orinch may not be happy now. But he will be healthier in the long run and less child support to worry about.

Lux said...

Omigosh!!! Good for Maw! I hope all goes well at the vet with Orinch!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...


KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Uh-oh, Orinch is going to the vet.

Okay, I have to ask. We now have 13 cats. That's four adults, nine babies (6 - 3.5 week old and 3 - 4 weeks old).

How do you do it? Mine aren't even all grown and I'm going nuts here in the Sherwood Shelter for unwed (Cat) mothers.

Walmart is so happy to see us come in, as we march toward the pet section and buy six bags of litter, Fancy Feast by the cartons, 6-packs of temptations, you know what I mean.....! And I won't even mention the vet!

Hee hee, ML

Kimo and Sabi said...

Do we need to orchestrate and breakout party?

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That is great news! Your Maw is so wonderful. It is good that Orinch will be fixed and have his shots.

Parker said...

WooHoo! Way to go Maw! Orinch needs every bit of what the vet will give him (and what the vet will take!) You are the bestest Maw! We give you a four paw salute. (He does look a bit worried in that photo!)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Well done Maw. Orinch may not be furry happy now, but he'll be better furr it after.

Mo and The Purries said...

maw - you are a saint,
Not The Mama

orinch - you really won't miss the hoo-ha's... much.

Chase and Mel said...

Poor Guy! It is not fun to get shots, but I was a Vet kitty for a year and a half and when my mom worked there as a vet assistant i was allowed to come along and wander around. So i don't mind the vet anymore. (:
