Reno seems to have another bladder infection. He was squatting in numerous litter boxes and in every corner of the house last night. Paw and I managed to get a prednisolone pill down him and a squirt of Clavamox. Since Reno was also vomiting, we locked him, Smokey & Obi in the office overnight so they could keep each other company and to prevent any accidents on the carpeting.
Then this morning I remembered that Reno actually likes the Pill Pocket treats, so I put a pred pill in those and gave them to him. Tomorrow I'll get a pill form antibiotic from the V-E-T for him. It's likely that since he was only medicated for 5 days while at the V-E-T 6 weeks ago that his infection didn't completely clear up, and all the boxes for the new cat enclosure sitting in the house, and Bob(bie) and Orinch appearing twice daily on HIS patio, and Paw being home for 4 straight days just threw his routine out of wack and stressed him too much. I'm telling you, it's not a good thing to cage cats in a garage under the guise of "fostering". It permanently affects them.
It's been raining and around 40F all weekend, so not much progress has been made on putting together the new cat enclosure.
Luf, Maw
Poor Reno :( and poor Mom :(
I'll send BIG purrs to both of you.
There is lots going on and I hope things settle down soon. Today should be a quiet ,snoozy day :)
That way everycat and bean can feel better.
shoot i'm stressed out after reading this, no wonder poor reno is!!! bless his heart. maybe when the enclosure is up he will relax. i hope it gets warmer...
hugs, auntie bee
Poor Reno and poor Maw. :( Reno, I hope you feel better soon. Sending lots of healing purrs your way!
oh poor Reno! we is sending PURRSS!!
Oh Reno, bladder infections are no fun! I sure hope you feel better soon.
Reno sweetie we hope you de-stress soon and are a good boy about taking your medicines. What a peaceful picture that is of you....look at your pretty pink nose!
Poor Reno - I'm so sorry that you are stressed out. Us cats really do like to stick to our routines!
Purrrrrrrs, Willow
Oh noes! Poor Reno. Bad ole mother nature! This rain will let up soon.
I hope Reno starts feeling better. It does sound like a stressful time for him. Purrs.
Get better every cat. No fun not being 100% well.
Poor Reno, it's not nice furr yoo that yoo git stressed eezily. We hope yoo can git yer infekshun cleared up kwikly. We's sending yoo healing purrrrs.
Maw it sounds like yer weather temperchur is gitting down towards our level. We hope it warms up furr yoo and furr us.
Poor Reno! Here's hoping things get settled down and everyone relaxes!
All that stress and crappy weather besides...no wonder yoor not feeling good. We'z purring fur it to get better. We hope da bean wif da cages in da garage stopped "fostering" after yoo guys gots reskood.
Bless all hearts involved. I wish I had a dollar for every clavamox pill I have given my dog Murphy. That stuff is great.
Oh no. I'm so sorry he has another bladder infection :( I hope it clears up soon.
ickies. Good luck for Reno going to the vetman today.
Reno, we are purrrring for you!
I'm so grateful that you take such good care of your poodins. A lesser person might give up on their constant needs. Please be good to yourself, Ma. Can you take some time off?
Poor Reno. We will send him more purrs. Purrrr purrrrr purrrrr.
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