
Thursday, November 8, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #28

Thirteen Things We Feel Like Saying This Week

1. We are very sorry that Chloe (Icon's sisfur) had FeLV and went to the bridge.

2. Gatsbi is kinda out of it after her surgery yesterday.

3. There were 2 yaks overnight.

4. We luf when the space heater is on.

5. We can't wait for our new enclosure to arrive.

6. We want to get out and explore the checkerboard that Maw put down where our old enclosure used to be.

7. We've decided that we need 2 king size beds glued together so that all 10 of us can sleep in the bed at the same time.

8. Maw and Paw had some of that already roasted roast chik-hen on Sunday and several of us luffed it.

9. Maw said she is fixing HAM on turkey day because Paw has to have turkey on Christmas since he is British. That's a rool.

10. Maw hasn't been letting us visit all of our blogging buddies efurryday and we are gonna go on strike, like those writers in Hollywood did.

11. When we go on strike, we're gonna demand more pooter time and more nip.

12. We hope Helio wins on Dancing With the Stars.

13. We were very sad that Mozart died on Meerkat Manor.

Luf, Us


Daisy said...

I am very sad about Chloe, too.

I hope Gatsbi is feeling better soon. I been thinking, maybe I could trade you a Florida lizard for Texas lizard. Then, maybe the Texas lizard could escape and breed with the FL lizard and the new species would be nicer. Just a thought.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We hope Gatsbi is doing ok after her sirjery.
Our mum duzn't like terky furry much so they haf a grate big peece of Sir Loin and a hyooj ham at Christmas. The beef is ok but the ham is better.


Oooh did yu say HAM?

We were sad about Chloe too...furry sad.

How is Gatsbi doin'?

We will purr and hope Gatsbi feels better furry soon.


Gemini said...

Ham? Chey started to drool.

We are also very sad about Chloe. That is such a hard thing.

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Our Mommy refuses to let us watch Meercat Manor cause she is nothing but tears will come out of it. We are also very sad about Chloe. Purrs to her and her family.

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Our Mommy refuses to let us watch Meercat Manor cause she is nothing but tears will come out of it. We are also very sad about Chloe. Purrs to her and her family.

Tybalt said...

My mommy's eyes have been leaking over Chloe since she found out yesterday. She also refuses to watch Meerkat Manor because she doesn't like to get upset about furries. She always wants to go and "interfere" and take care of them. Wonderful Thursday Thirteen. I hope Gatsbi perks up soon!

LZ said...

I like your idea of a writers strike. We'd be so in on that!!


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Turkey day? But that was LAST month! I hope Gatsbi feels better soon. I am very sad about Chloe.

The Furry Fighter said...

Tuerkey day is next month!

ise sorry about your friend, and Icon's sister Chloe :( ise be saying a little prayer tonight for her at The Bridge xxx

Unknown said...

That was a very good T-13. I did not know that Mozart died, that makes me sad too.

Two king sized beds glued together sounds like a super idea!

The Furry Kids said...

We're sorry about Chloe, too. That just sux. Plus, Momma's gonna get us re-tested. Which sux, too. Grrr.

We like the idea of going on strike. Kitties of the world UNITE!!!

Momma giggled about #7. When her and Daddy first got married they had a full size bed and that was fine. Then they got a queen size one (this is before they had any furbabies). Now Momma wishes they would've just gone ahead and gotten a king size bed since we're all in the bed now. hee hee

The Meezers or Billy said...

wait! our daddy's family is british and we haf to haf roast beast and yorkshire pudding on chrissymas. i like your daddy's british family better - because mommy always yells when the yorkshires don't come out right.

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Dis iz a good Thursday 13. Da ham part iz da bestee I tink, although you iz furry kind & compassionate to your sweet cat frendz & der beanz.

Da writerz strike iz an oppor-toona-tee fur da cats of da bloggo-spear to show der stuff. Each one of us should write an epy-soda to a popular TV show. Dis would earn us lots o kibblez..but mebbe we would get rotten tomaterz thrown at us & be called SCABEEZ!!!

Dr Tweety

Parker said...

We are sad about Chloe too...What time do you want me there for the HAM!!!! on Thanksgiving?

Unknown said...

Wat's a yak?? Soundz scaary.

Artsy Catsy said...

We're all so sad about Chloe, and worried about Gatsbi, too. We think two king-sized beds glued together is an absolutely catastic idea!!! Then all of us could have our own spot.

& the Artsy Catsy houseful

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We'z furry sad about Chloe. We don't gots no cable just regoolar tv and dat meercat show duzzent come on regular tv. We have ham at Krissmouse, mom made a goose fur Krissmouse one year and nobody liked it...

Lux said...

Mozart died? The last we heard Flower died. :(

I hope Gatsbi feels better soon ...

Karen Jo said...

I am very sad about Chloe, too. Two king-sized beds glued together sounds like a great idea. I hope Gatsbi feels better very soon. We like turkey, so we have it for Thanksgiving and Christmas both.

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

I haz nomee-named you ALL fur da "I lovez your bloggie" award. You probly alreddy gotz it in da past, but I tink you guyz has so many pawz, 2 of deze awardz won't hurt!

-Dr Tweety

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I am also sad about Chloe...
But right now Monty is missing, hope he return soon!!

snowforest said...

So sorry about Chloe and Mozart. Hope Gatsbi gets well real soon. Purrs to you all from Snow and Forest :)