So today is nail trimming day at the Forty Paws. Reno has to be trimmed first because he will go into hiding for 3 weeks if he sees the other cats getting their claws done. So, we nab him while he is sound asleep, trim his claws, and then do the other cats as they let their guard down. Then, the big sucky monster comes out to suck up all those trimmed claws.
Luf, Us
oboy! pedicures! i'll be right there!
smiles, auntie bee
Heehee, gotta watch out for those beans!! They are so sneaky!
Wow! Nail trimming must be a big deal at your house. Momma gets us as we sit on her lap...
Grate, thanks fur reminding mom and dad...crap, mom put something unner da bed, can't hide der...ugh, looks like we're getting the old clippy claw today too...
Ooh, I don't even like to *think about nail trimming - yuk!
Ugh! We hate mani/pedi day. It sucks. Hope it went quick!
We don't haf to haf nail trims cuz we keep our nails short (and sharp) by climbing trees.Tell Reno he can teleport ofurr here and hide away while the uvvers haf their nails done.
Trimming all your claws must be a lot of work! I have to have my trimmed twice a week because they grow so fast due to my fast Sphynx metabolism. I hope the nail trimming went well!
Oah, that is really UNeasy~~~~
If I tried something like that with Fred the Cat, I would end up getting stitches and a blood transfusion. Nope, that's a job for the SWAT team at the vet's.
That's a crummy way to spend a Sunday - we are sorry for everyone's paws!
Reno is a smart cookie!
We need to do everybody here but have been procrastinating. Only 1 of them tolerates it well.
Reno you can come and live with me. We don't clip the claws in New Zealand. You can grow them long baby!!!!
Yep, I can relate 1/10th of the way to that...
last night, BOTH of Jazper's back paws got ALL the claws trimmed when he was sleeping (okay, he didn't sleep the entire way thru it, but it was a world record for us - eight claws on Jaz at once!).
Reno, except for your pink nose (mine is black) that could be ME sleeping there. I HATE claw trims too, and Mom has to get me one toe at a time when I'm asleep!
Max S
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