Sandy Paws brought us a Drinkwell Platinum Fountain. We luf it! So does Maw. It holds a gallon and 1/4 of water, and has an adjustable flow. Some of us drink from the waterfall, and some of us drink from the pool. Maw lufs it because she doesn't have to fill it 4 times a day like she did with the tiny table fountain that she was using. Also, it has a pre-filter to catch our furs, and then the charcoal filter to catch other stuff. The whole thing is dishwasher safe too. Maw is probably gonna get another one to replace our 10 year old meditation fountain which Paw bought for Maw, but then we started using it as our drinking fountain. It is very hard to clean and Paw is tired of the noise. So there you go.
Luf, Us
Pee Ess. No, this is not a new poodin here at the Forty Paws. Maw borrowed this picture from
The Cat Connection located here in Dallassss.
That even looks better than the bathroom sink!
I have that EXACT same fountain, too! I love it very much. We used to have an older model Drinkwell, but my Mommie started putting it in the dishwasher and part of it melted. The new one is supposed to be dishwasher safe, but we have not tried that yet, still washing by hand. We got ours a few weeks ago. It is great how much water it holds! I'm glad you like yours, too.
We love love love our fountain! We got ours after our V-E-T said Jack needed a fountain and then gave one of hers to Mommy for us (having your V-E-T also be your Bean's bestest friend means you get even more pampered). Mommy says we are extra pampered cause we get our own filtered water. We are just glad that we no longer have to share water with the doggies. EW! Dog germs are the worst!!
can you put cream in it???
smiles, auntie bee
That does look like a very nice fountain. I bet Georgia would like that--she drinks so much now.
We used to have a Drinkwell but so much of Shaggys hair ended up clogging it. Scout also kept playing with the cord.
Know what? Mom wanted to get that fountain fur Bonnie, but instead she got the ofur one where the water runs down a ramp. Bonnie luffed it anyway. Then the pump stopped (the filter is AFTER the motor sucks in the cat hair - stoopid) an Mom boughted Bonnie the Drinkwell.
Bonnie was furry upset an refused to use it! She returned to hauntin the sink, so Mom returned the Drinkwell an found where she could order a new pump. When THAT pump died last year, she boughted us a whole new (same as the old one) fountain. Bonnie didn't object. Enjoy! Does you got any kitties who dip their paws an drink that way?
Oh, we love your fountain! Our mom got us one a few months ago, but it immediately leaked a big pond all over the kitchen floor and she had to take it back. I'm sending her shopping soon to get a GOOD one!
Thank you for wishing us a Happy First Blogiversary!
& everybody at Artsy Catsy
That's a great Christmas present! It looks like a fabulous fountain! Even better than the one we have. :)
I want one I want one I want one!!!!
that looks so cool
Oh, we'z gots an older model Drinkwell but we love it! Sadie likes to throw a piece of food in it and watch it bob around in da water. Mom likes it cuz she doesn't hafta wash out a bowl and fill it twice a day! Oh, and once in a while dad will throw an ice cube in and we all sit around it and play wif dat.
I said yesterday that I MUST HAVE!!
Ohmigosh that looks so good!
Wish me luck in getting one of those. We currently have four little water bowls all over the house. They get cat hair in them. And bugs! And people trip over them and spill them.
That looks so cool!!We do not have a fountain :( I might have to talk to Mom :)
Purrs Mickey
I think my sisters and I would LOVE one of those. I'll have to give mom a hint!
Oh, that looks so neat. Jan would love one of those. She is forever filling our water dish.
jan's funny farm
That looks like a great fountain. I'm glad it holds so much water for all of you.
We have that exact same fountain too. But we have a problem with the mineral deposits stopping the water flow. Mom got so mad at it that she put it away. Do you have that problem? Maybe we should use distilled water, but ugh on the thought of lugging water bottles around. Mom uses vinegar in her espresso machine, but that gets heated. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Wowies, that looks berry expensives! GOod thing SandyClaws has lots of green papers!
We was berry good, but we didn'ts get one of those..we has to try harder next year, or pester momma every minutes till she gets one for us! We four poodnins drinks alot, we can imagine whats its like wif 10 of you!!
Wow ! that looks great ! I could use that for my cats too !
That's a great fountain!! We haf got water bowls but we refuse to drink furrom them so mum has to leave the baff tap trickling furr us. Victor said do any of yoo poodins dip your paw in and drink that way. Well I (Eric) put my paw on the tap and let the water run all the way down my leg and drink it off my furrs.
we gota one like that too! we loves it. it is the greatest. kintaro drinks frum the stream of water while we girls drink from the pool. mommees likes the filter thingie too.
yuki & kimiko & kintaro
Oh I think I needs one of dem too. I wonder if they ships to New Zealand?
We used to haf one of those when Emmy lifed wif us. Momma gotted it fur Kiara (who drinks owt of the bafroom sink). But she refused to use it!! Emmy used it alla the time. So...when Emmy wented to her new home, it wented wif her. We's wunderin..did y'all see Momma & Daddy when they wuz down there fur Christmas??
~Meeko & Kiara
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