Paw worked verily hard yestday puttin up da noo poodin enkloshur. It wuz furry windy owtside an da leafs wuz blowin sideways. Da enkloshur is purt neer dun, but it still needz sum woodin bloks unner wun mor part soze we kaint ikscape, an soze Orinch, Bob(bie) or Opie kaint come in. Wowee. Woodn't dat be sumting if Opie came in owr howse? Oy!
Anyhoo, weze verily iscited an kaint wate fur next weekend. Maw sez dis ist owr Kriss Mouse prezents, owr Purrfday prezents an owr Gotcha Day prezents fur da next ninety-eleventeen yeers. So wie did we hang owr Krissy Mouse stockings? We dunt tink it will fit in owr stockings.
Luf, Us
oh your mom and pa are so nice to y'all!!! lucky ducks! i mean puddins'... ha ha
smiles, auntie bee
That is going to be the very best present, ever!
wowie kazowie! that's some amazing present! you gots a great maw and paw that they'd do something like that for you.
ninety-eleventeen years... that math makes my head hurt!
your maw & paw are just the greatest!
Not The Mama
Yay! :) Your enclosure is looking wonderful! :) What a wonderful present. :)
wow - you're very own enclosure. You Paw sure is nice to build that for you!
You are so lucky to get such a good gift!
He is a very good Paw. The Awesome Man would in no way be able to build something that cool. Or anything at all really, he's just good with computers and electronics.
That is the most excellent enclosure I have ever seen made for a poodin'!!
I think you will all have a nice time in it.
Oh wowie lookatwhatyurgettinfurchrissmouse!
We are so glad you are going to be able to enjoy the great out of doors again!
Opie in the enclosure would not be a good thing!
Holy cows dats a big enclosur! U can play thunderin herd of elephants in dere! What great beans u have to build a huge owtside place for u all! Have funs and try nots to scape too much. You might upset da beans.
Hoo Boy! My tail got all poofy with happiness when I saw that! Great gift from your Maw and Paw! I think they deserve a day of no yaks for that!
Dis iz a furry nice Crist-mass prezzie. & your dad iz a good builder. You mustee be furry proud of him. I hopes you all get to enjoy da great outdoorz soon.
-Dr Tweety
Our mommie loves building stuff. she would have loved to help paw with this job, especially since it is for puddins.
This enclosure is soooo great we are very excited for all of you!
This is a great present from your maw and paw... but do not forget... Santa might leave you something in those stockings!. :-)
Wowie! Hmmm, how do we talk dad into buying us one of doze? We bet Sandy Claws will leave yoo a little sumthing in yoor stockings.
That's a grate enkloshur and it will be wunnerful to lie out in the sun and watch the birdies.Yoo've got a grate Maw and Paw.
That looks amazing! You are all very lucky to have a Dad that can put that all together for you!
This is the greatest gift ever! What a wonderful daddy you have to do that for you.
I can't wait to see pictures of all of you enjoying your new enclosure!
That's a *beautiful enclosure - aren't your beans nice???
Wow, you guys must have been really good this year! We weren't but we hope that Santa Paws will forgive us and bring us toys and yummies anyway!
Merry Catmouse to all!
Opus and Roscoe
That is a really nice, big enclosure for all your kitties :-D
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