We had furry big thunder boomers wid lightning flashies last night. It was furry skeery. So Bow yakked, an lotz ov us hid in da big closet.
Fur doze ov u wonnerin bowt formulating Bow's medicine, Budesonide ist a hyooman drug an it comes in a 3 mg capsule or in an inhaler version. So, da 3 mg capsule must be broken down into 1 mg capsules. Dat ist called "formulating". Not all pharmacies are formulating pharmacies. Dey hast to haf speshul ekwipment to do dat. Dey kin also make flavored medicines. Bow used to git tuna flavored liquid prelone a long tyme ago. G.T. used to git triple-fish flavored prelone afore he started gittin his allergy shots. Der ist an online formulatin farmacy fur animules dat has all sorts of flavors to make med-sins taste way bedder. Int dat kool?
Luf, Us
I have to get me one of those videos. I think bean said she saw one at PetSupermarket.
We have a formulating pharmacy in Leesburg. They make special pills for pets. That is nice.
It is nice to see you watching tv.
I watched the dawg show on TV last night. It was pretty cool. I'm just glad they were in the TV instead of in the family room. I only like one dawg - Titus. :)
That is cool about the formulating pharmacies. We didn't know that.
"so bow yakked and lotz ov us hid in da big closet"
honey that is priceless!!!
smiles, auntie bee
We got some rain and thunder today, too. I did not have to hide though.
bow yakks when there is thunder? yikes!!!
Yakkin' at storms! Poor Bow!
Grammie wuz tellin' Momma that they hadded the big boomies by their howse last nite too! We don't fink that anycat yakked there though.
~Meeko & Kiara
Mom is sad because we don't have thunderboomers here (at least not very often). When we do, fortunately, we aren't scared, so we don't yak and hide. Where did your maw get the catnip video?
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Catnip video...we gots dat somewhere around here. We do gots lots and lots of cartoons tho, we like cartoons.
Yikes! If Bow yaks every time there are thunderboomies, he must yak a lot. That catnip video must be very interesting. The formulating pharmacy that makes medicine more tasty for cats is very cool indeed.
Try not to Yak next time. It doesn't help anyway. We Nap. Napping seems to help.
I hate thunder noise and I hide under the couch.I didn't know about the
formulating pharmacy that is very cool :)
We had thunder storms here last night too, but Fred the Cat pays them no mind at all. He's cool with noises most of the time.
The info about the flavored medicine is indeed COOL. I had no idea that such things were possible. Thank you for letting me know. Just might come in handy in the future.
*reow* Annie! Look at dem furrs....
Oh Annie der goes Mr.Jinx....
WE had thunber boomies last nite efurryone but me wuz upset by 'em. I juss sat in Momma's lap and napped and napped.
We don't like thunder boomies either but we don't yak, we go and hide behind the sofa. We've never seen a catnip video but if it's anyfing like real nip it must be great.
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