We tot weze bedder post sumtink soze u dunt tink Maw croaked or nuttin. She ist still sik an mopin rownd heer like def warmed ofer. She did haf to make a stinky goodness an litter run earlier dis week as our supplies were desperately low. We hafta tell ya dat weze NOT impressed wid da kwalitee ov da serfus rownd heer lately.
Owr brekfist hast bin a mineemum ov 2 owrs late effurry mornin. Owr furrs hast not bin vakoomed daily. Da floors ist needin mopped. Da spare litter boxes ist stakked in da garaj watein to be washed. Der ist only 1 more kleen spare box left!!!!! Der is trubble in River City...
Luf, Annie
Pee Ess. Maw here. Things aren't as dire as Annie says. All the poodins are getting their meds and their food, and their litter boxes are being scooped. Even the yak is being cleaned up off the carpet everyday. Thank you for all of your concern. Paw & I are on the mend...
Anyone out there want a few ungrateful poodins?
Luf, Maw
I have been a little worried about you all! I am glad maw and paw are starting to feel better.
Believe me Annie, when I say I know how hard it is to find good help these days. However, I'm glad your Maw and Paw are on the mend and I hope things will soon be up to your exacting standards soon.
We's furry happy to heer that yur beans are getting better. Feel free to come up to OKC to bisit. Owr service is a *little* better...we hope.
~Meeko & Kiara
wow there are alot of you guys! We wanted to say hello and tell you we've given you ana ward. Please stop by and pick it up
Kodak, 3 Perf and Winton
I am glad you are beginning to feel better. I hope that trend continues! I hate to hear the cries of starving cats... :)
I was wondering what happened to you guys! I am glad your Mum and Dad are getting better - stay close to them and be good : )
oh i wish i could help y'all... feel better maw, please???
smiles, auntie bee
We know what you mean about the quality of help. Our mom has had some sort of sinus thing going on, and she comes home and crashes. She has only managed to help us get our daily post up, but we haven't been able to do much visiting. We are very upset too.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Share your Cosmic catnip with the humans and they'll be purring before you know it.
Poor you and now it's me laying in bed with a bronchitis ! Rosie and Pookie fake that they are sick too and share my coughing (except they don't cough but sleep peacefully) Lisa takes care of waking me up every hour by meowing the loudest she can to remind me that a bowl could maybe empty !
And Arthur jumped on my back with all his weight ! I am really suffering, lol !
Glad the beans are better. Sorry we haven't visited you of late. We iz sure the 'qwality of service' wud improve at your place once maw and paw are totally healthy!
Wishing them a speedy recovery :)
Love and purrs from the SnowForest family :)
Oh, we know you don't mean that! :)
But please keep on getting better - we've been thinking about you all!
Maw - I can relate.
A week ago, I fell down the steps to the basement, carrying Callie. She was fine - me, not so much. This precipitated me getting a sinus infection which I fear is turning into bronchitis.
All that plus the stress of playing Chinese Fire Drill with Callie twice a day... I haven't been posting and/or blog visiting as much either lately.
Hope you're on the mend!
Love & HUGS,
Not The Mama
Glad to hear your humans are on the mend, it can be rough, having the cafeteria staff be late and all.
We think yoo guys should go a little easy on da beans, after all, it's no fun being sick. Take good care of dem and dey will be back to taking better care of yoo sooner.
we has heareded about the flues the beans been getting. We is so lucky we never ever get sicks, well except when the carpet is looking to clean and tidy...
Awwww, I'm sorry Maw is still sicky! You can slap a stamp on Dorf's bottom and toss him in the mail!
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