
Saturday, November 8, 2008

Photo Hunt #58

The Photo Hunt theme today is together. Dorf and G.T. love to sleep in this chair together every night when the temperatures are a bit chilly.

Luf, Us


Fat Eric said...

Ohh, such a cuddly picture! Makes me feel warmer just looking at it!

The Island Cats said...

You both are so cute together!

Cory said...

It's hard to tell where one ends and the other begins!!! Cute!

Mo and The Purries said...

Aw, it's a terrific tabby twosome for together!

Not the Mama

Lux said...

How sweet! They look so very cozy and content!

Anonymous said...

That is very sweet. They may need a fleece blanket to make it purrfection!

Kaltsas Kats said...

We just want to thank you for stopping by our bloggie and giving our dad purrs for his surgery. He is doing really well now that we all rested last night and plan to do so all day today as well.
-Patches and Nemo

Daisy said...

Ah, I can hardly tell where one ends and the other begins!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

now that is some cute poodins' ya' got there!

smiles, auntie bee

Everycat said...

What a lovely tangle of tabbies!

Parker said...


Gemini and Ichiro said...

You two are so cute together!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That's a lovely pile of togetherness for two terrific tabbies.

The Florida Furkids said...

Are there really two cats there??? Too cute!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Leslie said...

We've seen a lot of photos this weekend, and we think yours is one of the best! :)

Chesney Cats said...

Such a sweet picture!!

sammawow said...

Awwwww, you two are adorable!

Purrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Ingrid said...

That's so adorable ! my cats don't sleep so close together, not even Rosie and Arthur.

Sunny's Mommy said...

Aawww, that is so sweet :-)