Anyway, there were 107 tickets sold for a grand total of $214 in green paypers. So each poodin will get $36. Ain't dat grate? Thank you for yur Chrissymouse generosity!
So, widowt further ado, da winners ist Zippy, Sadie and Speedy of da Kattonic Cats! And Apu, Sweet Pea, Woody, Toby, Figaro, Chloe, Chunky Lisa Marie, Moochie, and Oliver Twist from Maryland wun de udder Ham-Mick!!! Dist wuzt so much fun!
Luf, Us
Pee Ess. We received owr Secret Paws prezzie last week. We show yu owr Secret Paws prezzies tomorrow.
Hurray for Zippy, Sadie & Speedy and the unknown eastern kitty(s)! And hurray for you for doing this and for making such wonderful ham-micks! We love ours lots. Purrs!
oh how cute!
smiles, auntie bee
WOW! What a PAWSOME hammick! Congrats to Zippy, Sadie, and Speedy . . . I'm so glad that so many kitties got such great help!
Hooray for the winners! And hooray for our sick friends who will benefit. And hooray for all Forty Paws for helping!
Oh wow, how exciting! That is so great so much money was raised for such a good cause!
The hammick winners are lucky, but the REAL winners are the families of the kitties you all raised moneys for!
That is AWESOME!
Uncle Mo and the purries of
Purrchance To Dream
That is a truly win-win situation. Those Ham-Micks are great and you raised a lot of money for the sickly kitties of the cat blogosphere.
You did a great job of raising funds! Congratulations!
Wowie kazowie...we is wetting our pants (not really) wif acitement over dis. It is a good thing yoo done fur our needy frends. We is already trying to decide who gets to lay in da ham-mick furst.
Rats! I didn't win one!
Just kidding, I am so glad we could help out the needy kitties.
Hooray for the poodins that get some green papers and Hooray for the Kattonic Cats and all the Maryland kitties! That was a very good raffle that you had for the poodins.
Purrrrrrrrs, China Cat
I still love my ham-mick but had to get my Lap Lady to bring it in from the porch as it's only 20 degrees out now!
Merry Christmas to you all and to your family too.
The Crew
Congrats to the winners! We love our hammicks and they will love theirs!!!! And a high five to Forty Paws for doing this for the sick kitties!!!
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