
Thursday, January 18, 2007

Jenny's Aristocat Title

My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Her Exalted Highness Duchess Jenny the Fiendish of Throcking in the Hole
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title

Tee hee. Dey did it agin. Me loves to hide in hidey holes. Just like dey gave Obi the Bumhampton name, dey gave me a furry good name. Gotta luv this fing. It has ESP or sumting.


Lux said...

That's a really cool title! And Mom loves the hippie name Saffron!

LZ said...

What is "Throcking in the Hole"? It sounds fun!


Tara said...

Great title! I'm not sure which is best, Duchess or Empress!

Mt Diablo is up by San Francisco, so about 300 miles north of Mailbu. Mom also said the Grapevine (I don't think that is a real grapevine, has something to do with the paths people trave on) was closed due to snow!

Your mom is right, we aren't used to it! Tara

Unknown said...


that is a very fancy sounding name! Fancy name for a fancy kitty!!


Daisy said...

Good name Jenny, er, Her Exalted Highness Duchess!

Hot(M)BC said...

Great fancy name. :) Hi Jenny and all of yall at Forty Paws! We's glad to meet yall. We just putted your linky on our blogroll and the linkies at the Cat Blogosphere bloggy too.
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree

Daisy said...

ps: A Frootbat is a cat with especially big ears. To participate in Frootbat Friday, just post a photo showcasin' yer big ears!

Anonymous said...

oooh - I wanna be Fiendish!