This is an Aristocrat Pear. It is an ornamental pear and the fruit it develops is very small. Fruit eating birds love to eat these in the fall and then they make messes!! The Bradford Pear is a very popular tree planted in the Dallas area, and it is more round than the Aristocrat Pear which grows more upright. The Aristocrat Pear is more resistant to wind damage because of its upright growth. These ornamental pears bloom in the spring for a few weeks, then their blooms fall off and bright green 3 inch long leaves develop. These turn red in the fall.

And on a wonderful note, we received 1" of rain yesterday here at the Forty Paws!! Yeah! Yippee!!! Twirls, dance.
Luf, Us
Those are beautiful trees, and I believe I'd like to climb them. May I?
Yippee!! Smell the Spring!!
Wonderful trees!!
Every drop of rain counts in a drought! Hope you get more soon! Very nice they attract some good looking birds to stalk?
I always learn so much from the Forty Paws! Hooray for spring!
Hi... I'm glad you're enjoying the first days of spring. Me too! The trees are in bloom over here and you'll never believe it but the sun was out in full force again today. I found a sun spot on the carpet and I took a nap there.
Wow, Spring has really sprung for all of you! It is 80 today but the trees haven't done anything pretty yet. I hear snow early next week....ick.
We like yer trees. Thay look furry good furr climbing, speshully the pear tree. We see yoo haf fev-ver feeders and a fev-ver baff in yer garden. Do yoo git to watch them theer?
We would be honored to join "Toofless Sisfurs and Brudders from Different Mudders" that you and Miles are starting. Thank you for asking us.
Wow -- all those paws a-dancing!
Nice trees, lots of birds I bet.
u know how i feel abowt treez!
mi favrit one to climb in mi backyard iz called a "sweet gum". i'll take a pikshur wen it startz to bud!
luv--yer grate frend--o'jete
those're purrty trees! we gots lotsa ugly trees called Palm. they're not good fur anything. we also gots an avocado tree that's fulla fat squirrels eatin' the biggest avocados ya effur seen.
Those are great trees! I bet you get lots and lots and lots of birds to watch in them.
We still have Evil White Stuff on the ground here. It's high than me!
What beautiful trees. Glad about the rain too. Christine and FAZ
yay for your rain!
we had ice 'n snow last night (boo!)
your backyard trees sure are pretty!
Your mommy has done a great job keeping your yard so nice!
meow for now,
Purrchance To Dream
Now those are some booteefull trees. We especially like the pear tree. That was so purrty!
Your trees are beautiful. I am very happy that you got rain.
What a bee-yootiful tree! Looks like a good one to climb!
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