
Thursday, March 15, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #2

Thirteen Things we luf about Owr Cage

1. It letz us go owtside.

2. It keeps us safe frum evil intruders, efen wen dey walk on top of owr cage.

3. It keeps us safe frum weird beans who might hurt us.

4. It keeps us safe frum da woofies next door an crost da street.

5. We kin watch fev-vers eatin food at da fev-ver feeders and gittin drinks from da fev-ver bath.

6. We kin watch bunnies and skwirels.

7. We haf a drinkin saucer an da water tastes yummy cuz itz owtside!

8. We kin watch Maw workin in da yard an in da garden.

9. We kin catch bugs an bring dem inside to torment and eat dem.

10. We kin eat real live grass an come inside an yak.

11. We kin go pee/poo owtside.

12. We dunt haf to stand at da door an ask to go owt. We just go owt wen we wanna.

13. We kin sit on owr benches an soak up sunbeems when we ist cold, or sit on da grass an soak up cool grownd wen we ist hot.

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!


Daisy said...

Oh wow, what a great enclosure you have (that is a fancy work for "cage" I think). I would love to hang out there too. That is even better than going out on a harness and leash! You are very lucky.

ps: the linky thing worked good!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Very cool cage! That sounds amazing. :) You are all lucky to have such a great enclosure so you can go outside and still be safe. That's terrific! :)

LZ said...

You guys are so lucky!!! I'm not sure if I would mind that since it is Out of Doors but not really....hmm.


Spooker said...

wow - yous can go outside whenever you want???? Now, I'm jealous.
Our chickens have a cage similar to that but we call it a "run" -- I think your "run" looks like fun!
Great TT!

meow for now,
Purrchance To Dream

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

That is so great! It does not sound scary at all (I am not afraid of out-of-doors because I am a big man cat. really!)

The Meezers or Billy said...

that looks like lots of fun.

Dorf, I'm still werking on the logo. sorry it's taking longer than 'spekted. - Miles

Ingrid said...

What a wonderful cage you have got there ! and so spacy ! I have seen one like yours but on a houseboat on a cannel in Amsterdam, to avoid that the cats fall in the water. They were very happy in there they were 6 cats, and 3 dogs and 3 children on this boat. It was just in front of my son's appartment and so funny to watch ! My cats also did a TT and have rules for all of you, but they are not for humans ears (or eyes)

Shaggy and Scout said...

What a neat outside place you have! Shaggy would like the dirt for dustbaths.

Anonymous said...

Oooh - if I had one of those, I'd spend most of my time in it. I'm fascinated by the Smells Of Outside. Can you climb the wire on the sides, like we try to do on the screens (right before we get squirted)?

Mr. Hendrix said...

oooo that looks like so much fun! i'll bet you totally pass out asleep when you come back in from that excitement. i wish i could have a cage like that! fun fun. can we see more pictures of you all enjoying it??

i too try to climb the screens in my windows and then, the "sooper soaker" comes out and i don't try again for a while....

Karen Jo said...

That is a really neat cage. You even get to watch bunnies? That must be a lot of fun. I think it is funny that you poop and pee outside, but run back inside to yak up the grass. I bet your beans don't think it is so funny, though.

Pearl C. Pritchard said...

Hi everyone...

Nice outside digs! Pumpy and I have a fenced in garden and we like to go out there for a few minutes at a time but mostly we're scared. You're very brave to be outside, even in an enclosure.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

"we can go pee/poo owtside" dat furry funny. Zippy duz dat and mom still hasta clean it up cuz dad duzent like to run it over wif da grass eeting masheen!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Hi again gang!
Mom says about your comment on our blog: If I had 10 cats watching me take a bath I'd be totally creeped out!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Still creepy. - Mom

Skeezix the Cat said...

WOW WOW WOW!!!!! That inclozhure looks like GRATE FUN!!! I wish Mr TF wood make me one! Yer vary vary lukky!!!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

i biggified da pikshur to try to see da cat door to yer inclozhure. we go owtside, az u may or mayn't know ... an we are alwayz askin sumone to open da door. dis iz espeshullee disturbin at 2:00 am in da mornin.
it would be grate to hav a cat door so we diden't havta wake anybuddee up.
luv--yer grate frend--o'jete

Anonymous said...

I think this enclousure is really wonderful. I would be very happy out there watching stuff all day.


Just Ducky said...

Your own outside area! How cool. Mum took me outside for a few minutes tonight. But it is colder so we didn't stay outside long.

Unknown said...

WE WANT ONE!! WE WANT ONE!!! We may have to pester our Mom and then the Man in Green when he comes home from Irak for one! That looks likes super great fun! We gets to go out on a harness, but that's no fun!


sammawow said...

We only have our screened-in porch that seems like outside to us, but you really have outside with grass and all! Very cool place to hang out! You are some lucky cats. Also we don't have a cat door so we have to beg to be let out sometimes.

Purrrs, China Cat & Willow

Spoiler said...

Such a perfect place to hang out. The closest Catsby gets to the outdoors is a screen door.

Tara said...

You are SOO lucky! I want one really bad! I only get to go out when Mom takes me out in my harness, and then I can'd do what I want!

Kimo and Sabi said...

This is all furry good to know 'cause Mommakitty says when they re-model da house, she is considering a "cat enclosure" and amybe some enclosed cat walks throughout da yard!

Rosie & Cheeto said...

Yoo have an amazing cul cage! Yoo can go inside, owtside, inside, owtside, inside, owtside, inside, owtside...
ummmm, we culd go on all nite!

We catch stuff but not oftun...thare must be sooo many bugs to eat owtside. Yer probublie grate bug catchers!! That's vary attraktive...make sure yoo tell potenchul sooturs that when valuntines day comes arownd.

Lux said...

Like everycat already said, you are *very very lucky! We have a screened in porch, but that doesn't even compare!


We keep buggin our Dad to build us one...but so far we haven't had any lucks yet. We love yur outside inside house. Dat is really furry nice. Juss furr kitties.


Anonymous said...

That's a very cool cage. I don't get to go out yet it looks like alot of fun.

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

See, now that is what we need! You can even poop outside, just like Mistrie does. That is something we have always wanted to do.
