
Friday, May 25, 2007

Maw is Honored

Maw is very humbled and honored to learn that Zippy, Sadie, & Speedy ; Parker; and Meezer Tails have nominated her to the 2nd Annual Zeus Excuse Legends Ball!!!

Since I've only been blogging since January, this is quite an honor! And really, as far as taking care of all the crazy cats here at Forty Paws, I believe I'm just doing what's right. I hate to see an animal suffer because of illness, or ignorance on a human's part. As far as helping to get laws changed here in Texas, that needs to be done also. Since I'm not a native Texan, I also feel it's my duty to help change the good ol' boy mentality that tends to dominate politics here as well as how animals are treated in this state.

In other noos, Dorf has decided that he would like to lend his flashlight eyes to the gardening effort so that Maw can work past dark in redoing all the flower beds. Isn't that so nice of him to offer?


Icon Baxter Bentley said...

Maw definitely deserves the nomination!!! I am very excited for you!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Beans who do nice stuff shood be rekognized! Mom sez dat if yoo like what a bean is doing yoo shood do it too and den let effuryone know what dey is doing so dey can do it too. Dats how da world gets changed, one bean at a time. Dorf, yoo sher do haf some brite flashlite eyes!

Gemini said...

Yes we think that you were a wonderful nomination.


Maw that wuz wunderfull bout de nomaneyshunz. We is furry happy.

Hi Dorf! Yu look so koot up der wif yur lazer beams!!


Daisy said...

Maw, you definitely deserve the nomination. I am very proud of you.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Yep yep, we agree, this nomination is well deserved. We really like your blog and she helps a lot with it.

have a happy safe week-end

Parker said...

See what I mean? There's just something special about Dorf! He's 'da Mancat!

Parker said...

Oh, and you deserve it Maw! Really!

Lux said...

Just LOOK at those *eyes! Wow!

Congratulations, Maw, for being nominated to the Legends Ball - this is exciting!

MaoMao said...

Wow, what eyes! Cool beanz! And huge congrachulations to Maw for the nomination -- it's superduper well-deserved!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Concatyoolayshuns furr being nominaytid, yoo deserve it.
Wow that's some flashlights Dorf has got!!

Zoey and the furballs said...

Wow Dorf, your mom should be able to get a lot of work done with your help. You have very bright eyes!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...


Oh, and I love the laserbeam eyes. You DO look like a feline flashlight!


Tara said...

Yes, Maw is very deserving! I'm so excited for you!


momsbusy said...

dorf gots super duper powered laser eyes! bet he cood lite up the whole backyard at one time! go dorf!

yuki & kimiko

momsbusy said...

concatulations on your nomination, maw! you really do deserve it. you had the courage and (as the old people say) backbone to take up and fight for a needed cause. too many people are too busy or too indifferent to fight. you deserve to be nominated. thank you for caring when no one else seemed to.


Ingrid said...

Just popped in to tell you that mid June we will get a new kitten I don't think you have seen it already on my blog !