Thirteen Reasons Why We Haven't Been Around
1. Maw took Dorf to the vet dentist on Wednesday last week to have his check-up and to get his feeding tube removed. Maw was sure that Dorfie was doing great and everything was fine. The vet dentist showed Maw that Dorfie had ripped out his stitches (again) and needed more surgery to the tune of another $900. Maw was in shock and quite angry because she was sure that she and Paw had done everything correctly this time. She was also angry that neither the vet nor the vet tech noticed that Dorfie's feeding tube had extended by about 4 inches (he had pulled it out). So they went ahead and stitched Dorfie back up and removed his feeding tube.
2. Maw was telling Paw about this on the phone when her doctor beeped in to tell her that she had missed her appointment and would still be charged.
3. As soon as Maw hung up from talking with Paw and her doctor, the men installing the new windows dropped the old bathroom window into the tub, leaving 2 huge gouge marks and a dent in the tub and also broke off 6 tiles in the process.
4. So Maw & Paw go to get Dorfie Wednesday evening (this is a 2 hour round trip drive in rush hour traffic in both directions because of where we live and where the vet dentist is located). When they get there, the tech tells Maw to remove Dorfie's neck bandage in 2 days which was covering the hole where his feeding tube was located. Maw asked if the e-collar would abrade this spot. The tech didn't think it would. Of course, when Maw removed the bandage in 2 days, Dorfie immediately scratched the holy crap out of the spot and opened it up.
5. So Maw is exhausted because of spoon feeding Dorfie 5 or 6 times a day. He is getting VERY tired of this routine, and really just wants to groom instead of eating when she pops his e-collar for his feedings. She & Paw have been wiping his incision spot twice daily and bandaging it with roll gauze and vet tape so he can't scratch it open. He still has another week of e-collar, meds, and spoon feeding to go.
6. Maw has a company come out on Monday to fix the tub. They tell her they will bondo the gouges, and that it won't smell as long as she keeps the window open and a fan blowing through it. They also tell her when it is done that the paint will self-level as it dries. Right. The house stank for 2 days like an auto body shop. They didn't bondo the gouges, they only painted over them. They got overspray on the toilet, and paint spatters on the bathroom floor and in the hallway from the equipment. The paint didn't self-level, and now it looks like orange peel rather than a smooth surface.
7. Summer has officially hit Dallas. We went from the 80s and rain to the upper 90s and high humidity. Maw gets REALLY grumpy in the heat of Dallas summers.
8. Bow is REALLY missing his outside cat enclosure and is beginning to pace.
9. Maw has barely been looking at the computer.
10. On Monday, Jenny was either in the garage when Paw left, or when Maw left, and got out when the garage door opened. No one knew this until around 3:00 when Obi was looking out the back door like he does when Orinch comes to eat. Maw thought it was too early for Orinch and she looked out the door, and there is little ol' Jenny looking in at her. Luckily, since Jenny was an inside/outside cat for about 8 years before Davy was killed, she knows how to leap privacy fences and where the back door is so that she can be let back in.
11. Maw's "to-do" list keeps growing instead of shrinking.
12. The stupid font on this post keeps changing and Maw is getting tired of farting around with it!!!!
13. We haven't had much to say because when Maw is stressed, we get stressed. Although we haven't been yakking nearly as much since we can't go outside in our cat enclosure anymore. And this makes Maw VERY HAPPY....
Maw would like to know if any of your beans have as much trouble with contractors as she does. When she had our new carpeting put down several years back, the men were moving her china hutch and ripped the bottom of it right off the base. When she had the risers installed under her new front load washer and dryer, the guys tore up the vinyl flooring in the laundry room. When she had a painter do the kitchen and bathrooms with skip trowel and a faux finish, he scratched up her brand new stainless steel sink, broke her bathroom mirror and left stain splatters on her flooring and wall outlets. Does Maw have really bad luck, or does the service industry pretty much suck anymore? Oh yeah, Maw joined "Angie's List" yesterday so that she can see locally recommended contractors and such. Although right now, she is really burnt out on having contractors come into our house and screw things up.
Luf, Us
Dorfie you will need to give your Maw some good snuggles! Poor Dorfie and poor Maw. We hopes efurryfing settles down soon furrs all of yu.
It's hot here too. We is glad we is indoor kitties.
Purrin for 40 paws....
Holy smokes! We're so sorry to hear about all the stuff that's been going on. Lots of purrs and hugs and purrayers for all of you. Hang in there.
Your poor Maw, and poor Dorfie. Your Maw has really been through a lot recently! Sorry to hear about all the troubles and problems. You really have had bad luck with contractors. I hope that things settle down for you soon.
Healing purrs to Dorfie and purrs and hugs for your mom.
Oh dear! And the Lap Lady though she was having a rough week with animals and house stuff and life stuff. She wants to give your mom a hug if that's OK. I'm so sorry about Dorf, Latte is a horrible patient too and he had to have sutures put in 3 times for his bone biopsy (but they didn't charge because they felt bad). Tell your mom she deserves a vacation or at least a spa day!
(We haven't had many contractors but we're getting a new roof so now we're terrified!!! The Tall Man tries to do as much himself as he can. The humans own an architectural firm and work with contractors a lot. They say "subs" really are just that lazy and if they can get away with it they do.)
awww, poor maw! y'all kitties be really nice to her okay? i mean it now! okay? that's good kitties...
smiles, auntie bee
pee ess: maw? podunk contractors sound about the same...
aaaaaaaawwwwwwwww big hugs and nuzzles to your mommy. we too had so many problems with contractors cause we had our house built. they are terrible and you basically have to stand over them every minute.
One of the worst was when the movers dropped the end table and gouged out the floor and chipped the table leg. They left a "receipt" that they did the damage, kept putting off paying for it and then one guy said "how do we even know we're the ones who damaged the floor?" and mommy lost it all over them saying "because my husband and I were standing right there when you %#$^* dropped it and I'm holding a #@%$ receipt your guys left saying it was your fault. After some interesting words on her part, totally shocking the guy (my mommy is very nice and looks very nice - and very short -so hearing her use those words in that tone shaped that guy up really quick) we got the check withen the week. It was awful tho.
Poor Forty Paws gang. I'm sending virtual hugs to all of you!
We're very glad Jenny is OK!
Oh, poor Maw! I am sending you some special {{{{hugs}}}}}. I hope things start to settle down and Dorfie gets all better soon.
I think it's about time your streak of luck changed to all GOOD!!
I hope you can get some rest as your GOOD luck starts pouring in :)
~ Gracie
What a terrible time you are all having! We are sending lots of purrs and hugs. Let us know if "Angie's List" helps. We have had bad luck with contractors too. Mommy mostly does stuff herself if she can, but some stuff, like a new window is more than she can do. We hope you are at least staying cool in this heat.
I was furry worried about you. I was afraid that something terriblu happened. It sounds like many bad things happened in a row!
I am very sorry to hear of them. I know what it's like to not want to blog and it sucks!!!!
I was going to post my "Missing" poster of yous all over the internets!
We were worried too! Glad to hear you are all ok, 'cept poor Dorf! Your poor momma!! Our dad is knowlegable in alot of stuff and does much of the repair and installation things himself. He also can repair tv's & appliances, electrical stuff and does maintenance on the cars so we don't have to hire it out. That means more Temptations for us and more books for momma. Last month he put in a new water heater and did the plumbing himself. He had the new furnace installed in the winter though, because vents & stuff needed to be redone to bring it up to code.
We hope things turn around soon and you mom stops pulling her hair out in frustration! xxxooo
Gosh that seems a lot of trouble in all directions in recent times - I hope things get to normal soon and this frustration ends... sending lots of purrs from snow, forest and the babies :)
We hopes things start to git better fer yer household!
P.S. - happy belated purrthday to GT & Dorf!
Dear Maw and all ten of you kitties and Paw too.
we are very sorry for you. You have been having a very bad time. Mommie wishes she could come over and help, but she lives in Virginia and that is too far.
The window co. should replace the tub.
They should allow you to call the contractor of your choice and remodel the entire bathroom... maybe put a jaccuzi in. Bondo on the tub does not work.. mommie knows.....
The poophead vet should not charge you for not showing up. That is just mean!
daddie just said. "boy, and we thought we were the only ones with bad luck"
(((bigsqueezyhugs))) from all of us.
Do not worry about commenting. Just know that we are purring and praying for things to get dull and boring soon.
We hate the heat too.
Here it is 100, 78% humidity and no rain for two months.
::smooches:: us, over here
Oh, wow! All of you have had a really bad time. I hope things get better very soon. I'm sending all of you some {{{hugs}}}. Hang in there, Dorfie. You will get all better soon.
Yikes! We don't have our own house, so we don't have anyone over to screw it up. When the lady first moved in, the property manager sent over a plumber to replace the garbage disposal. They installed something backwards, so every time you turned it on, water poured out from under the sink. Now the Lady has to fix everything herself because kitties aren't supposed to live here and she doesn't want anyone to find out we're here. We're sorry to hear you've had such awful stuff going on. Grr has offered to give a free-of-claws tummy petting opportunity to your Maw and Paw, if it would help them feel better.
Poor Dorfie with the spoon-feeding :(
I heard Ben vet tell my Meowmie that if I didn't start to eat that she would have to syringe feed me. Yuk.
Oh my, oh my, oh my! I know contractors are problematic and I hate to say this, but I think perhaps maybe your Mum has a bit of bad luck going on right now. My Mum says things always come in threes, and since you guys have had way more than three you luck has to get better. Your poor Mum.
And poor Dorfie too, he has been through alot lately. I am purraying and purraying that he feels better furry quickly!
Oh, big headbutts and purrs to poor Dorf. All dat stuff just sucks. Mom doesn't usually haf contacters here, she or dad do most howse stuff themselves. When they do hafta hire someone dad makes mom stay to watch them 'cuz she won't take no crap! He laffs cuz she's 5'2" 120 lbs. of what he calls "HELL ON TWO FEET" he also sez "she strong, like bull" wif a funny aksent so...Mom sez dat lots of times when yoo kontract wif someone to do sumfing dey will sub-kontract it to what she calls a sub-par place. Make da original company yoo kontracted wif aware dat yoo expect da tub to be "as it was" afore da stoopid peepuls broke it. And dat duzent inklood bondo, bondo is not fur baf tubs it is for motor monsters! And make dem fix der mess too! Oh, see, now mom is getting her dander up over stoopid beans braking stuff...
We haven't had that much experience with contractors. I hope that your tub gets fixed and that it's okay!
Dorf, stop eating your wound!
Bummer on all of the wierd and bad things happening at your house.
Mum says she agrees with the contractor thingy. She thinks they are stupid and just do stuff on purpose to make peoples lives hell!
My Mom gives your Maw a BIG hug! We have had pretty good luck with contractors, we just got the outside of our house painted, and it went really well. But when we got new kitchen appliances last year, they scratched the new stainless fridge putting it in. Mom gets mad every time she sees that scratch!
Poor Dorf! Hang in there all of you, it will get better. Life always runs in cycles that way.
We wondered where yoo had got to. Yer poor Maw and Paw,seems like yer having some reely bad luck. Fings can only git better. Our mum agrees, yer Maw needs to lay the law down wiv the contractor.They messed fings up, it's up to them to put it rite.
We hope Dorf is soon feeling better.
Tyler's mom here:
I'm sending you big hugs to you Maw and each and every paw owner too. What a hard time you all have been having. My brother-in-law is a contractor. He does expert work and knows he's responsible for any sub contratctor's work. He wants his clients happy because that's how he gets more work. He does tell me stories about people in the business behave. Lots of guys out there don't even have their contractor's license. Good luck wiht your plan for using the list. I've never heard of it before,
Maw, I wish I could come over for an evening, so you & Paw could go out on a "date night".
Yes, we had contractor problems before. A window company in Dayton screwed us over. They took our $400 deposit and never did any work.
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