We haven't made it around to efurrybody's blog lately because Maw is working in da yard a lot. She ist tilling up da old flower beds and adding expanded shale and compost to the black gumbo stuff that North Texans call dirt. Since it's the hottest time of the year, we purrsonally fink Maw hast lot wat few marbles she onced hadeded. A few bricks shy ov a full load. A few sanwitches shy of a pic-a-nic. A few kards shy ov a full deck. Maw's favrit saying was frum her drill sgt. wen she waz in basic training years and years ago. He was reely mad at dem and told dem dey wuz abowt az bright az a 40 watt light bulb in a bucket of s&*t. Maw hast neffer furgotten dat cuz she tot it wuz SO Funny!!!!
Anyhoo, we will try an make her bisit all ov yooze who hast leftededed commints ofur da last few days.

Luf, Us
Its such a busy human time of year, we understand. All of those projects have to get completed. My humans need to stain/seal the deck.
honey tell maw to sit a spell and haf a glass of tea. yeesh. it's too danged hot to werk outside. we dont want her to haf to git sick now...
smiles, auntie bee
But has she fixed your back enclosure so you can snoopervise her while she is out there? Or can you snoopervise from the cool areas of your home? Even better if it's that hot.
now, our mommy would go out and play around in the garden and dirt in the rain or in the cold weather, but not in the heat. she gets all rashy and itchy from the hots and humids.
We say "as mad as a box of frogs" here in the UK, do you guys use that expression too? FAZ
Hahahahahaha! That's a funny saying. How about a few fries short of a Happy Meal?
I hope your mom gets some time to relax and cool off, too!
"Wow" your mom's been very busy.I love the photo so cute :)
Take some time off Maw!! Study the cats. They will show you how to relax.
SSS is rite Maw...juss studee da cats, dey will show yu how to reelax!
I hope Maw is getting lots of cool drinks in between her work sessions. I have a really hard time getting around to all the blogs I want to visit, too.
You tell your Maw she should just rest, put her feet up and such. She's been working way too hard!
Yeah, seems to me that you all were telling my mom that she works too hard. Now my mom says that's ironic whatever that is. I'm thirsty just thinking of your ma doing all of that work in the hot sun. Obi, at least you have some sense.
FAZ: I've never knew that a box of frogs could be mad.
No worries. Your mom is being healthy playing in the yard. She will be tired later and then it will be snuggle time. Obi, you are exceptionally handsome there.
**waves** to all ofyou
I guess she's just trying to get stuff done before summer runs out. We can't hardly believe that it's almost over!
You look very cute in your cat tree, Obi!
My mom and dad say that sounds exactly like something a drill sargeant would say! Good luck to your maw with all the yard work. And don't worry about visiting all of us - we all understand that things get busy at times!
Busy is good, don't worry about visit thing. Tell your humanbean remember to rest more.
And, after busy day. Hug you more.
That was a good one! How about Dumb as a bag of hair?
Our mum laffed about the 40 watt lightbulb. Don't worry about visiting, we know yer out there. Yoo'll haf plenty of time when the nights git dark and it's cold and wet and yoo don't want to be outdoors. We hafn't been aybull to visit efurrycat as much as we want to either, that's partly AOL's fault though.
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