We in turn, would luf to award dis award to:
Empress Bee of the High Sea because she loves all of us poodins out in Cat Blogosphere land and she features us on her sidebar, and she always visits us and says such nice things to us and her blog is very funny because she posts blond jokes and talks about ball powder and going on cruises and fried foods in Podunk. Yup.
Daisy the Curly Cat because her posts are informative, funny, cute, and sometimes she lets her bananer eating sisfur on to tell us about cardiomyopathy in poodins.
The Meezer Tails, Sammy & Miles because they crack us up. They are always getting into something, or devising methods to get Miles' footon back home, or screaming for Ham. Also, Miles is Dorf's toofless brudder from a different mudder.
Eric and Flynn, who are our British cousins across the pond. They also crack us up with their antix in da feelds an on der farm eekwipmint. Dey also post beeyoutiful pictors of da feeldz arownd der farm an da treez dat dey climb.
Ok, so we know that Empress Bee just left on her furreffer long cruise, and Daisy's mom is still MIA, and Eric & Flynn's mum just left on her furreffer long hollyday, but that's ok. We award them anyway.
Luf, Us
Those are all great choices and they'll all come back someday to find a nice surprise! :)
Still sending good vibes,
Congratulations on your award!!!!
aha! i don't leaf until the morning!!! so i got it! yay! fank you soooo much for this honer and i will luf it always!!!
smiles, auntie bee
Concatulashons...why are all da mom beans leeving der preshus kitties? Isn't der a law 'bout mom's not abandoning der babies? It's not good, no, not good at all...
Congratulations on your awardie. We certainly love your blog!
congratulations on you well-deserved awardie!
ise hope Reno is feeling better today (and stinking less!). Ise on Sensitivity Control food so Castle has to eat that too, he missed chicken, so do i :(
Concatulations on your award - you deserve it very much!
Congratulations on your award :-)
Congratulations on your award :)
Congratulations on your award! It is very well deserved. :)
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