
Saturday, October 13, 2007

Photo Hunters #24

This week's Photo Hunt theme is "smelly". Well, Reno came home from the V-E-T this morning after being there all week for his cystitis, and he is SMELLY. Efurry other poodin is spittin' and hissin' at him. He also ended up having struvite crystals in his urine when they checked it this morning, so he is supposed to be on Prescription Diet C/D for the rest of his life. Which means that the rest of us are going to have to get used to it somehow. We purrsonally think this stinks. We want our own twenty eleven kinds of dry food and stinky goodness, thank you very much.

Luf, Us


Parker said...

Maybe everyone should go to Jack's party tofeel better - I have the link on my blog! I'll even guide Dorf around!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

I'm sorry to hear about the crystals in Reno's urine. I hope you all learn to like the new food. I'm sure Reno does smell very different after being at the vet all week. Sending purrs out to all of you.

Gemini said...

Oh yes, a cat home from the vet is very smelly--and in a bad way!

Lux said...

It looks like that hammock was especially made to go with Reno's furs! I hope it doesn't take too long before Reno smells exactly like everycat else!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh my. poor reno. bless his little heart and all of younsins for haffing to eat that stuff. drat!

hugs, auntie bee

Daisy said...

Hooray, Reno, you are home! I know exactly how you feel, because I got the oxalate crystals and have to eat Hills Prescription X/D for the rest of my life too. It is only kind of good. Not really good.

Sunny's Mommy said...

I'm glad Reno is home. He'll start smelling better soon, so try to go easy on him. I know it's a difficult change, but you'll get used to the new food.

snowforest said...

Oh we hope he gets well real soon - we've missed you - purrs and love from the SnowForest clan :)

The Furry Kids said...

We're glad you're home, Reno. I'm sorry they're hissing at you. Tazo did that to me after I had been at the V-E-T for a couple of days. I hope you can get the V-E-T stank off you soon so they'll quit being hissy.


Jimmy Joe said...

Oh, that's rough, Reno buddy. I hope the c/d tastes all right. Get some chill time in to get the v-e-t stink off. Good luck there, man.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh yuk, we unnerstand it tho cuz we all hafta eat whatever agrees with Speedy's tummy.

momsbusy said...

we is sorry effuryone thinks yu stinks. it mite jus be yu smell like the v-e-t. an nobody likes that smell! we hopes effuryone donts gets too mad at yu fer makin them change to that new cd crunchies. we will be purrayin fers all of yu.

yuki & kimiko

pee ees peese give dorf some extra headscritches fer us. ars woofie went blind befor he died so we unnerstand what dorf is going thru.

Mickey's Musings said...

Ya need to roll on the carpet and get pats from Mom to get rid of the Vet smell. Glad yer home,that's the best place to be.

Willow said...

Oh, Reno, I am so happy that you are home again. Your v-e-t smell will be gone before you know it!

Purrrrrrs, Willow

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Poor Reno, first the badness of having to stay at the vet and then coming home to hissing? That's no fun. Crystals suck.

I have a crystal problem too. I had to eat Medi-cal Preventative and Hills C/D for ten of my 11 years.

You might talk to the vet about grain-free food though. My OTW switched us to Origen cat food in the spring and so far the only problem I've had was more dander, which may just be because I'm older now, and she's only now noticing.

Even better, she says the Origen (and most of the other grain-free foods) are expensive, but slightly cheaper by weight than the C/D was, and we eat less of it than we did of the C/D. And we like it better.

I hope you get the vet smell off and you and Dorf feel better soon. We missed you at the party. Come over and we'll slip you some leftovers!
