
Friday, October 26, 2007

Freaky Friday

Here are some freaky pumpkin carving pictures that Maw received over email. A couple are a bit R-rated, so we suggest that innocent, baby poodins not view this post...

Luf, Us


Gattina said...

Hahaha ! They are all great !! Never saw such but I also have to say that in Belgium Halloween is not celebrated. I learn a lot here with the blogs ! Rosie loves the big black spider I put on the table as decoration.

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

hahahahaha! Those are great! I love Halloween!


We loved them! Wow there are some beans out there with a lot of time on their hands...hehehehehehehehe

Abby and Boo

LZ said...

Hahaha!!! Oh those were great. We've got some pumpkins but the humans are not at all creative.


The Meezers or Billy said...

those was great!! mommy maded a puking punkin last year and all the kiddies loved it.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

These were very very funny.
they made mommie laff a lot!

pissed off patricia said...

Great Halloween Treats via pics.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hahahah, mom laffed really hard. She let us look cuz we is all mature adults now...well, adults anyway.

The Cat Realm said...

Huuuuu - that first one scared me pretty good!!!
Those pumpkins are really funny, thanks for sharing!!!
Did you see (at the Halloween contest blog) that I go as a pumpkin for Halloween?

Scout said...

Mommy loves those photos but I really don't like pumpkins!

Daisy said...

I really wish my Mommie would get me a HUGE pumpkin, and let me use a knife. I have some ideas.

Anonymous said...

those are excellent! our Lady actually feels sad about those scared baby pumpkins that're getting eaten, even though they're not really scared, or even alive, and even though they're not really getting eaten, AND we hear she's gonna buy a pumpkin tonight and make pies out of it - she's just odd.

Shaggy and Scout said...

WOW! Those are really creative & spooky! Our guinea pigs like to eat pumpkin seeds.

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Those are funny pumpkins! We have a Halloween post today too. We loves Halloween! It is so much fun!

The Crew said...

Very creative!!

Mr. Hendrix said...

ha ha ha ha snort ha ha ha ha ha snort ha ha ha *rolling on the floor* ha ha ha

Unknown said...

Ha, ha, ha......those are very funny!

My Mum bought tiny little baby pumpkins! I don't know what she thinks I can carve using those tiny things, hmph!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Oohhh they were so scary, and then funny :-)

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Whoooeyhoohah! I yam coverin' up my freckled noze, cuz some haha snot may come zippin' out! deze are da bestee pump-da-kin tingz I have ever seen. I haz new respect fur pump-da-kinz.

-Dr Tweety

Parker said...

Snicker, snicker, guffaw!!!

Karen Jo said...

Those are great pumpkin pictures. The first one is downright scary.

I'm glad that G.T. likes his limerick.