
Monday, October 22, 2007


Another email that Maw has received recently:

To all my dearest friends, I need some help. My cousin's cat had kittens and he was able to give away all but 4 of them. I told him I would help him find homes for the last 4. I can't take one because I am allergic, but if you could take just one it would be such a help and the kittens could have a nice home. Since he lives by the Nuclear Power Plant, I'll go pick them up for you. I've attached pictures of the last 4 kittens. Will you help?

Luf, Us


The Meezers or Billy said...

the ferst three as funny, but the last one scairt the poop out of us!

Daisy said...

Aaaaaahhhhhh! Those scairt me! Except, I kind of like that blue striped outfit...

Black Cat said...

My goodness, I wonder why those kittens haven't found homes yet...:) xxx

Gemini said...

I'm with Daisy and the others. I was scairt...

Shaggy and Scout said...


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hahahahaahahahahahasnorthahahahaahahahgasphahahaha...wate, that kitty in da blue hoody looks like one of da naybor kids. Ohoh!

pissed off patricia said...

LOL, I would be afraid to have one of them anywhere near me, but I will chip in to get the Mom Cat spayed and fast too.

Karen Jo said...

That's a collection of pretty weird looking kittens. I agree with Patricia that the mother should be spayed as soon as possible.

Anonymous said...

aaaaahhhhhhhhh! ::3 cats, 2 kittens and an overweight lady duck under the desk::

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Well. Da momee saw dis & thought, "Oh no, I yam going to have to tell your mommee dat we can't have any more catz, but den she scrolled down a little & almost fell off her chair at da office! What a sight! I hope deze kittenz find da right home!

-Dr Tweety

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Awwww cute kitties we will take the Kitty #3 with the hat.

we hope all of you are having a spiff day

Anonymous said...

Lol...Funny and alittle scary.

Parker said...

AAAIIIEEE! Hey Mommy - I just had a little accident, bring the paper towels!

Lux said...

Eeeekkkkkkk! You've scared the bejesus out of me!

P.S. Er, um, I do remember something about that being Ninna's hammock. Well, er, I'm sharing, I'm sharing!!! :)

The Cat Realm said...

That is soooo cool!!!!

Poppy Q said...

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that made my mummy pig snort.

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

Oh wow that's very funny. The last one is a little scary.
