To all my dearest friends, I need some help. My cousin's cat had kittens and he was able to give away all but 4 of them. I told him I would help him find homes for the last 4. I can't take one because I am allergic, but if you could take just one it would be such a help and the kittens could have a nice home. Since he lives by the Nuclear Power Plant, I'll go pick them up for you. I've attached pictures of the last 4 kittens. Will you help?
Luf, Us
the ferst three as funny, but the last one scairt the poop out of us!
Aaaaaahhhhhh! Those scairt me! Except, I kind of like that blue striped outfit...
My goodness, I wonder why those kittens haven't found homes yet...:) xxx
I'm with Daisy and the others. I was scairt...
Hahahahaahahahahahasnorthahahahaahahahgasphahahaha...wate, that kitty in da blue hoody looks like one of da naybor kids. Ohoh!
LOL, I would be afraid to have one of them anywhere near me, but I will chip in to get the Mom Cat spayed and fast too.
That's a collection of pretty weird looking kittens. I agree with Patricia that the mother should be spayed as soon as possible.
aaaaahhhhhhhhh! ::3 cats, 2 kittens and an overweight lady duck under the desk::
Well. Da momee saw dis & thought, "Oh no, I yam going to have to tell your mommee dat we can't have any more catz, but den she scrolled down a little & almost fell off her chair at da office! What a sight! I hope deze kittenz find da right home!
-Dr Tweety
Awwww cute kitties we will take the Kitty #3 with the hat.
we hope all of you are having a spiff day
Lol...Funny and alittle scary.
AAAIIIEEE! Hey Mommy - I just had a little accident, bring the paper towels!
Eeeekkkkkkk! You've scared the bejesus out of me!
P.S. Er, um, I do remember something about that being Ninna's hammock. Well, er, I'm sharing, I'm sharing!!! :)
That is soooo cool!!!!
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that made my mummy pig snort.
Oh wow that's very funny. The last one is a little scary.
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