
Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Update on Reno & Dorf

Thank you for all your purrs, purrayers, headbutts, and concern for our precious Reno & Dorf. We truly appreciate all our buds out there in Cat Blogosphere land.

Reno is going to stay at the V-E-T until at least Saturday. He has cystitis with blood and white blood cells in his urine. The V-E-T and techs are having trouble pilling him. (Heh, heh) That's why I left him there. I took a blankie and some of his favorite foods and Temptayshuns to him yesterday and I could hear his howling when I walked in the front door.

As Eric & Flynn's mum pointed out, cystitis can be caused by stress, and Reno has been stressed this past month what with my Bunco group, and then the Keno group taking place here. And then I've been babysitting a 2 1/2 year old twice a week and I've brought her over for about 15 minutes each day while I check on the litter boxes and clean up any yak that has been deposited since morning. So, I guess Reno is a bit sensitive to stress, just like his brother Obi.

The news on Dorf isn't as positive. He was diagnosed with generalized retinal degeneration. This is rarely genetic, except in Abyssinians. It is also much more common in dogs than in cats. In Dorf's case it is likely idiopathic since I've noticed his eyes looking strange for several years. Initially I thought it was the anti-depressants he was on for his aggressive behavior and inappropriate elimination, until we found out he had Feline Odontoclastic Resorptive Lesions. Then I thought his eyes would get weird looking when he was in pain from his teeth. Now that both of those issues are resolved, I was hoping there was another reason for his eyes looking weird. An issue that could be fixed with medication or something.

Generalized retinal degeneration can also be caused by an abnormal reaction to high doses of Baytril. Dorf was on Baytril for an extended period of time after his first dental surgery when he had the capillary vasculitis eruption, but his eyes had already been going bad before that. However, the Baytril could have exacerbated the degeneration.

At any rate, there is nothing that can be done. The ophthamologist suggested keeping rooms as bright as possible for Dorf because that will help him. She also suggested that I get the book Living with Blind Dogs by Caroline Levin. I can also take Dorf back for yearly checkups to see how he is doing. His sight might progress to total blindness, and it may have gone as far as it will, but I think he will become totally blind as he seems to be getting worse. He still responds to the rudimentary light tests, and the threat tests, but since he can't read an eye chart for us, we don't know for sure how advanced it is. But under the microscope and using the various tests that they have, he shows advanced diffuse tapetal hyperreflectivity, vascular attenuation and optic nerve pallor.

I looked all this up on the internet, and most of the stuff I found refers to dogs or to progressive retinal degeneration, which seems to render a cat blind in a matter of months from a quick onset.

If any of you have blind poodins I would love to hear from you. The ophthamologist told me not to move furniture and keep things as static as possible to help Dorf. My biggest fear is that the other cats will bully him. I've noticed that since his FORLs are all gone, Obi now smacks him upside the head. Dorf still does chase Obi and Reno and corners them, but not to the degree he once did when his teeth hurt. The vet said that once they get their pecking order all figured out, things may calm down. So I would love to hear how multicat households with a blind poodin cope.

Luf, Maw


Mickey's Musings said...

It is good news for Reno.Hpoefully he will be home soon.
Sounds like Dorf has something similiar to Macular Degeneration in humans.Poor thing.I'm sure it will take some adjusting.
Purrs for the kitties.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Oh, Maw, I'm so sorry to hear about Dorf. I will keep him in my prayers. I hope everything works out for all of you.

It sounds like Reno is in good hands at the vet (even if they have trouble pilling him too!) Sending lots of healing purrs out to both Reno and Dorf.

pissed off patricia said...

I have never has a blind cat but my little dog is very old and losing his sight. I read about blind dogs on the internet and just as your vet told you, the article said not to move the furniture and keep things as simple as possible for the little creature.

I am so sorry you didn't get good news and good news. When we take our pets into our homes we promise them a lifetime of love and care. You seem to following that promise with your heart and that's all any of us can do.

The Furry Kids said...

It sounds like Reno is giving the V-E-T a run for their money. heh heh
You go, Reno!
We hope your pee problems feel better soon.

Dorfie, we're sorry to hear about your eyes. Momma doesn't know anything about blind kitties, but her friend's dawg has the same disease. Belle does really well for not being able to see and the other dawgs in the house (there are 4 more) look out for her. Lots of hugs and purrs and purrayers for you guys and your Maw and Paw.

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

We hope Reno takes his pills so he can come home soon. Poor Dorfie. His sense of smell should help him out at least. Our great-aunt's woofie was blind and used to sniff his way from point A to point B. Purrrrrs.

Mr. Hendrix said...

aw, i was hoping for better news. i'm glad reno is on the mend and will be home with you soon.
we'll send lotsa good prayers and thoughts to sweet dorf. i'm sure someone on the blogosphere can help you.

Anonymous said...

Oh, things do seem very bad for Dorf, but there is always hope in these matters. The humans (and the V-E-T) thought that Figment's eye was really bad, so she was going to have her eye removed. When she got to the V-E-T, the V-E-T said her eye looked better and didn't need surgery.

I'm sure that everything will work out; we will be praying and sending purrs for you all!


Magoo, Smudge, Bella & Dolce said...

My MIL had her cat, Socks, go blind from diabetic complications. He was also 16 years old. AT first it was very traumatic for him, but in time he adjusted. My MIL was very careful not to move anything, especially his food and water and the litter box.

Purrs and Headbutts to you all.

LZ said...

Oh I'm sorry to hear about the stressful time in your house right now with two of you being not right. I think cats do really well loosing sight and I've even heard of other animals leading the ones who can't see around. Purrs to you all!


Gemini said...

Oh we are glad that Reno will be okay.

While Georgia is not going blind, her brain tumor is slow and progressive in terms of what she can no longer do. We think she has gone deaf. I do tend to pick on her more because it's harder for her to defend herself but mostly I leave her alone.

While I'm sure pecking order will need to get reestablished, it may come and go in terms of how. Cats don't rely on sight alone and Dorf may have some surprised for those cats who think there's an easy mark around!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Give 'em hell Reno!!!! Go Boy!!
Glad to hear you will be helped with the pills, even if if are making those vets earn their pay!
Dorfie.....we are sorry to hear of another problem for you to deal with. You are a sweet fellow and maw and paw are always there to help you through what ever challenges you encounter. Our mom wishes she could come wrap her arms around you and hold you.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yoo go Reno, don't make it easy on dem...hehehe.
Our naybor has a blind cat, a deaf cat, 4 sighted cats and a blind dog. We'll haf to get together wif her and find some stuff out. We do know that, just like wif blind beans, it is good to leave da furniture where it is so dey don't bump into it. We also know that her cat went blind after it had lived and fawt with the other cats but since loosing it's site the other cats either leave him alone or help him depending on their purrsonality. Mom will call her this afternoon and see if she has time to talk.

The Meezers or Billy said...

alright Reno - keep hollerin'!!

Oh Dorf, we is so sorry to hear about your eye prollems. Norton was blind for several weeks before he went to the Bridge - mainly from high blood pressure and old age. He did very well walking around the house, and mommy made shur not to put anything in his way. He was always alpha cat, and that didn't change. nobody beat him up or anything. Trixie also was blind for a short period before she went to the Bridge. Miles escorted her around the house and nobody beat her up either.


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

bless his little heart, awww honey we is so sorry you are hafing problems at the v e t. yeesh, poor baby...

hugs, auntie bee

Sunny's Mommy said...

I'm glad Reno will be back home on Saturday. So sorry to hear the bad news about Dorf's eyesight. I've never cared for a blind pet, just elderly ones, so I have no practical advice. I can only say do whatever you can to make him as comfortable as possible in your home.

Myself, I wouldn't let the cats re-sort out the hierarchy amongst themselves. I would intervene, and I'd make sure he has a safe spot to go where he can be away from everyone if he needs that.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear the sad news about Dorf....Purrs Ariel

Daisy said...

Reno, you are very right to to howl at those people! I am glad your maw brought you your blankie and some treats. I hope you get to come home very soon.

Dorfie, I am sorry to learn about your eyes. You have had some bad luck first with your teeths and now your eyes! But luckily you have a great home and your maw is already learning all about how to help you. Purrs to you.

The Lee County Clowder said...

We're sorry Dorfie is having more problems. We have no direct dealing with blind kitties, but we did see an article recently that might make everyone feel a little better about things.

About Reno, all we can say is "Way to go, boy. Yell like a steam engine!".

Sending healing purrrsss, and a {{hug}} for Maw & Paw.

Candace Williams said...

Sorry to hear the news about poor little Dorf! Since the blindness is happening gradually, he at least has the chance to adapt, insofar as possible.

Bet Reno will be glad to get back home!

Good for you, taking such good care of everybody! What a great mom!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Dorfie we're sorry to hear the bad noos about yer eyesight. Mum has nefurr had a blind kitty herself so she can't reely give any advice. Her furrend had a kitty that wuz neerly blind though. The V E T said she could make out shapes which would look like shadows. She mannijjed furry well wiv her disability.
Reno we're glad the V E T is gitting yer cystitis sorted out. Sounds like yer putting up a good fight though.

Jimmy Joe said...

Oh man, my poor sick buddies over there. I hope all of the medicines make you feel better soon, Reno. Dorf--hang tough there, buddy.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Parker said...

Mommy is so sad for your Dorfie...BUT one of her best buddies at the shelter she used to volunteer at in KC has 11 (yup 11!) kitties of varying age and disabilities. 4 of them are blind. All 4 were sighted cats and lost their vision thru various illnesses. Mommy called her and told her about dear darlin' Dorf's Dx. Her advice is similar to everyone elses - keep the furniture moving to a minimum, food and water in the same spot (and the boxes) and keep lights as bright as can be. Maw, you and Paw are awesome kitty parents and Dorf is lucky to have you guys. Mommy wants you to know how awful she feels for Dorfie - so much has happened to him. He is her favorite 40 - she already told you why.
And Reno - give 'em heck at the Vets, we as felines are very proud of your protestations!

Myst and Blackie said...

You go Reno!!! Get better soon...

Dorf... Ghost only has one eye and she does not have full vision in it. After her eye was removed she had to adapt but keeping stuff in one place has helped her. She does just fine even with one eye & no teeth.

Just Ducky said...

Lots of purrs to Dorf and Reno.

Tiger Lily said...

I'm glad Reno is improving. Mom laughed when we read about trouble pilling him.

I feel bad for Dorf. Mom has never had a blind kitty but our woofie Zeke is getting cataracts. Our v-e-t said it's happening slowly enough that Zeke will be used to getting around with less and less vision. Maybe Dorf will have the same type of experience. I know we kitties can do amazing things!!

christy said...

We's purrin' for you guys!

Our Mom has a friend who has a blind kitty. He is furry smart and does what any normal kitty does as long as the furnitures stay in the same place.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Sorry to know about these news, I will continue praying for you~!!!!

The Fluffy Tribe said...

Here's headbutts, purrs, foofs, and nose kisses for Reno and Dorf from the Fluffy Tribe

Karen Jo said...

Give 'em heck, Reno! But go ahead and take your pills afterwards and get better fast. I am so sorry to hear about your eyes, Dorfie. You just can't catch a break, can you?

Poppy Q said...

Oh I hopes my furry friends are feeling a bit better soon. Poor Reno and Dorfie.