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Thirteen Places Where G.T. Yakked Sunday Night After His Allergy Shot 1. Under the dining room table. 2. In front of the dining room table. 3. In Paw's office. 4. In the hallway. 5. In the foyer. 6. In front of the dining room windows. 7. In front of Paw's chair. 8. Behind Paw's chair. 9. In the kitchen. 10. In the bedroom. 11. In the bathroom. 12. Next to the cycle that doesn't go anywhere. 13. In front of the TV. Luf, Us |
Poor G.T. :( His allergy shot really did agree with him, did it. :(
G.T., we hope you are feeling better now!
That is a lot of Yaking! I hope he feels better now!
Boy, that really is a lot of bomit. I hope G.T.'s tummy is feeling better now.
That is a lot of yakking! I hope G.T. is doing better now.
G.T. that must have been exhausting!
Oh boy, that is a whole lot of yacking going on :(
Um, sounds like he's allergic to his allergy shot! Poor widdle thing...:(
crappity crap crap crap!! that's a LOT of yakkin!
G. T.
That sounded like what Abby did, except her's came outta her odder end....
Poor GT I hope he is feeling better now.
That's a lot of yakking. We hope GT's tummy is feeling lots better.
Poor GT, tummy aches are horrible.
Take Care,
That's too much yakking furr one poor poodin. We hope he's feeling better now.
Wow... and Not The Mama thinks that I yak in a lot of places...
Y'all must have stock in paper towels.
Auntie Spooker
That is a lot of yaks!
Poor GT, Sadie don't yak after her shot but she gets kinda runny poops fur a couple days and has on occashun not made it alla way to da box. Da vet gave mom some Tagamet fur Speedy's vomiting problem and she gives some to Sadie afore da shot so dat may be why she don't barf. Maybe maw should ask yoor vet about dat.
man that sucks. yacking is no fun at all. are you feeling better now? i hope so.
yer friend hendrix
Bendrix: hey, i hope you can at least take comfort in the fact your beans had a h#ll of a mess to clean up.
yer friend bendrix
Whoa, that's like a marathon-yakk. I hope you're feelin' better soon, G.T.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Oh poor G.T.! That was an olympic yakathon! We sure hope he's all better now.
& everykitty at Artsy Catsy
Oh good timez!!!! Ptooeyin' all oevfur da place!!! & you guyz haz lots of favorite spots dat I nevfur thought of....
Can you all comez oevfur here & we will really let da hairballz fly?
Sounds like the kitty was spreading the love (yak) around to everyone. So nice to see a kitty that isn't selfish.
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