China Cat bestowed this wunnerful award on us!!!
This award was created by Colin and the rule for this award is that you link back to Colin as the point of origin of the award. He said "An Award for you All. Please take this award with my gratitude, feel free to pass it on to other Global Bloggers."
Karen Jo over at Kitty Limericks wrote a wonderful limerick for Jenny today. Go check it out!

Luf, Us

Karen Jo over at Kitty Limericks wrote a wonderful limerick for Jenny today. Go check it out!

Luf, Us
awww jenny, you are a lovely girl in that box honey, so sweet!
smiles, auntie bee
Hey...Jenny wrapped herself up as a Kissy Mouse present? Who she give herself too?
Congrats on your award and getting another limerick! I like Jenny's box!
Congratulations on your awards! They are very well deserved!
You look reeely sexee in dat box.
Jenny has a gret limerick! =^_^=
We LOVE LOVE LOVE Jenny's limerick!!! That's our mommy's name! Of course, we only call her "mommy".
Congratulation on your 'ward. That's fantabular!
Have a good weekend!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
Congratulations, Jenny! I saw your wonderful limerick.
Congratulations on your awards :-D
We agree - your blog IS EXCELLENT!
Jazper, Daphne, Chloe, Spooker, Little Isis, Callie, and Not The Mama
Concatyoolayshuns on your award. We like Jenny's limerik. She is looking furry pretty in that box. Is she going to post herself to her Valentine?
That is a very nice limerick for Jenny.
Jenny, you are a very pretty girl. You can trust your Maw and Paw, honest!
That was a great limerick! Congratulations on all your new awards!
We loved yoor limerick Jenny, and we really, really like yoor box! Concatulations on yoor awards.
Congratulations on your awards. I'm glad you like Jenny's limerick. Thank you so much for the link. Sorry I'm so late in getting around to this. Lots of overtime lately.
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