Maw sez when she gitz reeely frustrated wid us (like wen we yak, or wen we haf hissy spitty screamin fites, or wen we haf OLB experiences) dat we ist free to a gud home. We dunt fink she meenz it tho. Cuz like, jist tuday, wen she waz feedin us owr stinky goodness brekfust, she couldn't find Reno. She wuz callin him an callin him an she wuz jist abowt reddy to call Paw an interrupt his class to ast him if he sawd Reno dis mornin. So there.
Luf, Us

Your maw loves you all and every one of your yaks! She would be totally lost is something happened to any of you 40 paws friends, she just won't admit it as you know.
Reno...where was ya??? Got a new hiding place?
Aww, your maw might say that you are free to a good home, but she definitely loves you. You all have a great maw and paw. :)
awww maw wuld neffer do that!!!
smiles, auntie bee
I hope she isn't going to give you free to a good home! You are too wonderful where you are!
Your maw would never sell you for even a squillion green papers!
Sumtimes our Mom says the same thing!
Funny Moms!!
~ Miss Emily
We don't think she means it, either! In fact, we know she doesn't ... she would miss you sweeties something fierce!
Our mom says that too sometimes when I jump on Callie and make her scream and then Fracas jumps on me and screams and Lucy jumps on Fracas ... and so on. But that's just moms screaming ... they could never stand to live without all our screaming!
Yes, it's easy to say, but so hard to do. I gave Callie to her new home today, and the cost on my heart says it wasn't free.
Not The Mama
Don't worry, we know your Maw could never do that. All maws say that sumtimes. Tell your Maw all our email comment notyfikayshuns are coming through again. Blogger must haf had a blip.
Yer mom is FREE to her opinion - even if it's wrong.
Jan says all kinds of strange things to us to try to scare us into walking the straight and narrow, but we prefer to zig and zag. And we're still here too.
jans funny farm
Humans sometimes like us to think they don't need us BUT they do. FAZ
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