Dorf will fill this out:
1. I weigh 18.8 pounds. The V-E-T was unable to extract any urine from inside me when I went in for a check-up a couple of weeks ago because I have plenty of fat layers to cover up my bladder. Heh heh.
2. My most favorististist job in da werld is testing out Ham-Micks after Maw makes them.

3. I luf yogurt. Especially blueberry or strawberry yogurt. Sometimes I like orange and sometimes I like banana yogurt too.
4. I have no teeth. They were all taken out of my mouth by a mean old V-E-T dentist.
5. I luf sharp cheddar cheese flakes fur brekfest.
6. I like to sit wid my Paw while he eets his brekfest.
7. Sometimes I pick on Obi or Reno.
8. I am losing my eyesight. It is easier for me to see when I can go out in the enclosure because it is sunny out there. I like to go out there and look at Orinch 1 and Orinch 2.
We tag efurrybuddy that would like to play, ok?
Luf, Us
Hey, Dorf! I like cheese bits, too, but I don't think I've had sharp cheddar...I'll have to get my mom to get me some of those. Who are Orinch 1 and Orinch 2?
you look really cute on that ham-mick there dorfie!
smiles, auntie bee
You make the most excellent job of testing the Ham-Micks, speshully furr us bigger boys
No teeths, Dorf??? How do you eat your cheese flakes??
cheese flakes? is that a cereal? it sounds YUM-O
Hi Dorfie, Mommy is swooning all over your photo and I am dreaming of yogurt!
Hi Dorf! I love cheese too. I never thought about adding it to my morning cruchies before. You're very smart.
That is a very handsome picture of you! I love my hammock. You did a great job testing it.
you guys make the best hammocks efer ~the Fluffy Tribe
Wowie, Dorfie! I did not know you weigh over 18 pounds! You are a very big and rugged Mancat. Harley wants to be big like you when he is all growed up.
Yogurt huh? I'll have to try it...
You look like a great hammock checker!
I've been tagged for this meme, but mom hasn't had the chance (or energy) to help me do this yet!
That is such an important job, Dorf.
Sometimes we eat a tiny bit of yogurt, but not too much. Probably because all we get is the *plain stuff.
I remember when your teeth were stolen. Very upsetting. My vet has been stealing my *furs!
It's very nice to know more about you~!
Your history stories are so neat, too!
Hello, Anne from here.
I think you have a great cat blog, and would love to feature it on one of our Cat Blog of the Month Contests on
Can you please get back to me -
anne.moss [at]
Thank you!
Wow, you is a mighty big kitty!
We luv yogurt too!
Dorf, you are a most excellent Ham-Mick tester. I get to sleep on China Cat's Ham-Mick and it's wonderful! I also love yogurt in any flavor - even Boston Creme Pie, fat-free!
Purrrrrrrs, Willow
Dorf you are a beautiful cat, and looks like your Ham-Micks are made of leopard skin, you look very comfy.
Hey Dorf, thats the print we want on a ham-mick!!!! They are so wild and cool, You look comfy on it! =^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
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