Our uncle from the UK came over this weekend to attend a conference this week. Maw and Paw were going to take him to the new Audubon Society thingee here in Dallas, but it was windy and chilly on Saturday, they so went to the Gaylord Resort over in Grapevine to check it out. And the yearly Ice Show was open, so they went to it and about froze to death. They give you coats to wear, but it was so cold. It was 4F there. Maw hasn't been that cold in quite some time! Anyway, here are some pictures!
You can click on these to biggify.
This is uncle with a camera in front of 2 big bears:

This is 2 Coca-Cola bears:

This is the Gingerbread House:

These are the rules for the Ice Slide:

This is the Ice Slide:

This is a large angel:

This is the creche:

Luf, Us
i'd be way too cold to go there but it looks like fun!
smiles, auntie bee
Looks cold yet the photos are so beautiful...Hugs Ariel
That looks like a fun ice show...we wanna go down the slide...
Very gorgeous, but I think way too cold for me!
nice to meet you
Um, wait, beans pay money to get cold an slip on ice? They can do that rite here in Whiskconsin fur free! I'll tell Mom to skip dat an use da money to buy Temptations.
Beans. Is. Weird.
Wow that is amazing place to visit!! Love the ginger bread house.
Here in Minneapolis we have the Winter Carnival every year. Ice carvings, and games & parades, medallion hunt, stuff like that. Mom has never gone, she tries to avoid winter like the plague. Dashing from the house to car to store & back is as much as she can handle.
BRRRRRR! That looks muy to cold for me! But so very beautiful.
It looks beautiful but we think we would get frozen toesies.
It looks like a lovely time, except for that temperature - brrr!
My Food Lady would love to see that ice show. I think that I would like to stay warm at home!
Purrrrrrrs, Willow
4 degrees is colder den it is here now! We like dem ice sculptures. Mom and dad went to a compitition here ones where dey carved stuff from humungus blocks of ice...when dey started it was about 10 degrees below zero and by da end of da contest it was 42! All da purrty sculptures started melting.
These pictures are so nice and the ice sculptures are amazing, thanks for sharing.
How cool! We have a Gaylord owned Opryland Hotel here in Nashville! They have an ice show each year too ... complete with the slide! Hubby and I went with our girls one year! COOOOOLD but fun!
Oah Wowww....
These are very neat ice show arts~!!!
Thanks for sharing~!!!!
That looks beautiful. Mom wishes we had something like that here. She would love to see all of the ice sculptures.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
I know you are somewhere outside of Dallas and so are we! We have been hearing about this Ice Show on TV. After looking at your Pictures, I think Mom should go see it! I'll tell Dad to dress warm!
wow, that's beautiful!!!!
Cool ice show! I can't imagine why anyone would want to go down the ice slide though. I've slipped on enough ice, there's no way that would be tempting :-p
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