On another note, we would like to auction this wonderful Snowman Ham-Mick for Moki's vet bills. Auction price will be $2 a ticket. Use the Paypal button on the upper left of our blog to purchase as many Auction tags as you would like. We will pay for Priority Shipping via the Bloo Shorts Man. Regular shipping to overseas locations. Auction end will be November 30 at midnight CST here in the US of A. Dorf does not come with the Ham-Mick.

Luf, Us
That is great to have a hammick auction for Moki. I will go over to check on him now.
That is a grate ham-mick, and I'm gonna buy some auction tickets right away, buddies!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
What? Dorf not included?
No way! We want Dorf!!!!! Will there be a separate raffle for him? :)
No Dorf? That's like false advertising!
We were just checking in because we haven't visited in a l-o-n-g time. It looks like things are going well for you. We feel like we're in the deep freeze right now in Northern Virginia so that ice show you described could take place here. (Well, not quite.)
Have a happy Thanksgiving.
Are you sure Dorf is not included?
Oh that is a great hammock for auctioning. It is very enticing.
How much extra for Dorf?!
That's sweet of you to offer your cool ham-mick for the auction. Dorf is an excellent model and product tester.
Mom & I made a donation!!
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