Now, on another note, we would like to auction this wonderful Snowman Ham-Mick for Moki's vet bills. Auction price will be $2 a ticket. Use the Paypal button on the upper left of our blog to purchase as many Auction tags as you would like. We will pay for Priority Shipping via the Bloo Shorts Man. Regular shipping to overseas locations.
Luf, Us
We remember all the ones that came before us...Davy was a handsome mancat!
We love our Ham-Micks! Thanks!
We are remembering, too. Your Davy was very handsome.
We will get a ticket for the Ham-Mick because we love the two we have, and need another one. We also want to help Moki.
~ The Bunch
That's such a lovely picture of Davy - it's good to remember our beloved ones who aren't with us anymore.
I hope Mom listens to you and lets me gain lots of weight. ;-)
Davy was so very handsome! I know Mommy is gonna' buy a ticket!!!
We r a'memberin too and Davey we knoos yur storee and it we will nefur forgit it and yoo relly wuz a handsome feller...
Davy was such a handsum mancat. We will always remembur his story and how yur Momma didded such ecksellent things in his memory.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao.
We just made our Mom buy tickets. That Ham-Mick is too cool (hehehe...snowman...cool.... we made a funny)
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
What a wondeful group of "paws" you've had in your lives... it is good to remember them all.
(PS we loves our ham-micks!)
I think Davy was an extra-special Mancat, because his story helped change laws to protect other cats!
What a handsome mancat Davey was. It was so nice to have a special day to remember all the fierce fighters in our lives.
It's so nice of you to have a raffle of one of your furry cool hammicks for Moki. Count us in! We are heading over to the PayPal button right now!
Laila and Minchie
It's so important to remember all those who came before. Davy was extra special.
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