This is a picture from Christmas in 2007. Jenny is a bit thinner now because she has thyroid issues and has lost weight. She will be 15 years old in March. Jenny is still a bit feral. She never has warmed up to being an indoor cat. She was trapped at about 3 or 4 months of age and was very terrified of people already. So she just exists around here. Obviously we can't pill her, so her thyroid pill is ground up in tuna juice every morning. Lucky it doesn't taste bad, huh?

Luf, Us
Yum in tuna juice. That is tasty. Jenny you are adorable!
Jenny you look so soft, you should let the people pet you.
We'd take a pill too if it meant getting tuna juice!
you are very beautiful Jenny
I haven't every tried Tuna Juice. It must be good!
Miss Jenny, you should let the beans pet and hug you. It's wonderful.
I would take pills in tuna juice too! That is an excellent big box you have there, Jenny!
Purrrrrrs, China Cat
Silly Jenny, you don't know what you are missing by not wanting snuggles. Hmmm but maybe not so silly if you get toona juice every day. Pretty smart really.
I am glad Jenny gets a delicious and healthy cocktail every morning!
Jenny is so pretty! We're trying to get all caught up with our furriends. We've missed you guys.
For tuna juice I'd take a pill! And I really really hate doing what I'm supposed to.
Jenny you look pretty comfy there.
jenny, you are a pretty girl! i love your stripey tail and little stripey "hat".
Now that is a brew we'd wake up early for!
Lucky Jennykins, toona joose every morning, wow what a lucky girl!
so, who gets the toona? Paw?
My mom loves tuna sammiches
purrrs for a happy week-end
Jenny, It is not so easy to trust beans when you have been scared and may be hurted by them. I am trying to to trust and I am getting better. It is not so bad to have beans love you!
We think she has lovely markings, and is a really lucky cat!
Abby & Stygia
Medicine in tuna juice is probably pretty good :-)
I bet Jenny really looks nice thin, she is a very beautiful cat.
Jenny, you are a beeyootiful kitty! And I bet havin yur medisin grounded up in toona jooce makes it go down furry good!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
You sure are pretty, Jenny! I like your box!
Very close to 15~!
That is wonderful~!
She's a very pretty cat, but thinking about tuna juice at eight in the morning just did something to my stomach.
Awww Jenny is a cutie :)
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