
Thursday, January 8, 2009

Various Items in Our Lives

Weather is a bit wacky right now. Today and tomorrow are supposed to be around 70, but then dropping into the 50s on Saturday. So Maw plans on raking up the last of the oak leaves that dropped from the trees in December. We might watch her. We might not.

G.T. received his allergy shot yesterday. He was like, "What?" Then he slept. Then he puked this morning.

Annie is now on a steroid pill every other day, so we'll see how her hacking is going with her asthma. Paw says she is acting weird. It's probably because she is on steroids now. She's also eating more. Than normal. Which, when a poodin is Annie's size, they might be classified as obese?

Bow is hanging in there. We appreciate all the purrs and purrayers for him. We don't estimate his remaining time to be long. He is a couple of months from the age of 19. Bless his heart.

Orinch #2 appeared again this morning. Where did Orinch #1 go? These crazy Orinch poodins. And we haven't seen Bob in a while. Bob was not a regular visitor anyway, and we figure that Bob has a permanent home somewhere around here.

Luf, Us


jenianddean said...

It's nice to have visitors. We get an occasional neighbor cat who comes by, and it is always a treat. Hope everyone gets feeling better. (As for the leaves, we had so much wind yesterday I think Dad was hoping they'd all blow somewhere else, but I think it just made more.)

Lux said...

That 70 degree weather sounds good!

Bless all your babies. We hope all their medicines help.

The Meezers or Billy said...

Maybe orinch 1 and orinch 2 are playing games wif you.

we continue to purrr for Bow.

We are starting Billy back on steriods. He's really hafing a hard time breathing and the steriods really helped. except he ate like a pig an peed 10 times more than before. but that's ok.

meemsnyc said...

70 degree weather, what a dream! It's about 28 here. Purrs to you all.

Cafe Cats said...

You all sure is buzzy.

Purrs for Bow and Annie & G.T.

We miss you all. Mama says that she gonna post pitures of all our Ham-Micks soon!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We always purr for Bow. We want his last months to be wonderful.

They're flooding around here...

Sunny's Mommy said...

Purrs for Bow. I know you'll make him as comfortable as possible.

Prednisone does have nasty side effects, but it's more important to control the asthma. I hope it will make a big difference for Annie.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

bow is 19?? bless his heart!

hugs, auntie bee

Daisy said...

Bow sure is a grand old Mancat. I am sending many purrs for him, and Annie and G.T.

We are supposed to get a cold front coming through here in the next few days, too. Maybe it's the same one!

Willow said...

China Cat and I are sending purrs over for dear Bow. That's nice that you have visitors to look at - we have woofies walk by in front of our house.

China Cat says that she likes the idea of 70 degrees instead of our 29 degrees!

Purrrrrrrs, Willow

Parker said...

Hi! Please give a smoochie to Bow for us, OK?

Margaret Cloud said...

I am saying a prayer for Bow, bless his heart, wow 19 years old, purrs and buttheads to all you fur baby's. Thanks for coming by.

Whimpurr said...

Our weather has been wacky too! Sending gentle hugs for sweet Bow!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Well, 50 sounds gorgeous to us. It's all a regional thing we guess. We're going to get an arctic express in a couple days with temps going negative.
Maw & Paw you take such wonderful care of you special needs cats and we want to give you some giant sandpaper kisses! XXXXXXX

The Florida Furkids said...

Purrs to Bow. Our sister Fooz lived to be almost 20!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are so impressed that Bow is almos 19. Thats so really old! Skeeter reached over 16 an we thought that was almos forever!

You guys got a of of real interesting stuff goin on...

Skeezix the Cat said...

Happy New Yeer!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

If you don't like the whather in Texas, just wait a while and it will change! I have heard and experienced that all my life, here! You are truly wonderful person tor taking care of your specila need kitties. Bless Bow, Annie and G.T. We have not seen white kittie outside since Wizard left us, till this week.

Pearl C. Pritchard said...

"...we might watch her. We might not."


That made me laugh.

Kaz's Cats said...

Purrs to Bow, and blessings to Maw and Paw for looking after him and the others at casa Forty Paws so well.


Gypsy & Tasha