Here is Reno drinking. He was probably out on the patio, and came in to get cool. Maw saw him drinking and tried to get a quick picture before he took off to hide. Of course, as soon as the camera flashed, he was gone. Well, at least we got a picture...

Luf, Us
Hey Reno, you've come to the right place for good food and fresh water and all kinds of love and affection. Take your coat off and stay awhile!
Hot cat on cool tile!
Jeez looeez, can't effun get a drink wifout da papperazzi snapping pikshers!
Reno, you look pretty settled in drinking that water!
Wow, nothing like sitting a spell as he gets a drink!
Well Reno, you may have gone in a flash when you saw the flash, but you look very relaxed until then.
Hi Reno,
Don't like that flashy thingy, do you? It's okay - we run away from it, too.
Have a good weekend and we hope you all stay cool,
Charlemagne and Tamar
Sorry the flashy box disturbed you.
You are a handsome fellow, Reno! You should let Mom get more pictures of you!
Flashy boxes are the worst!
No privacy at all since flash boxes are affordable.
oooh just lookit all those bowls!!! must be so many noms in there.
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