So Maw went to the fabric store and found a few new prints. Here they are! If you would like a Ham-Mick just email us and we'll get it ready and ship it to you lickety-split! Just click on Dorf's picture in the upper left corner and you can see all of the prints!!!!

Luf, Us
Someday I hope to talk the Woman into a hammock...
The first print is so pretty, specially for the ladycats.
dear 40 paws,
A while back mama got two hamick form you while non of us like it we did not want to retun them so we doated them to a shelter. Today we went to the shelter to see shlter kittys sleeping in them The women kindly greeted mama today as she was dropping off other thing.
She said to me two kitty with a neroligic disorder clamed one as there own when they were adopted one had to go with them and all the cats love the other one. Mama smiled and saw a cat who looked alot like Lilly loungeing in it. She said it made her heart smile
She went on and saying she wanted to know where we got it becuse they love love love it. i told them i would let 40 paws know
we thought you would enjoy the story and we think you should maybe doate one to a shelter cats since they love them
ooooh, what awesome fabric!
Love the first fabric. Mom says that I probably wouldn't sleep on it because I ignore anything she buys specially for kitties. maybe I can get her to change her mind.
We love our ham-micks! We were just wondering if you did replacement fabrics since Mom thought holiday fabrics would be nice!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We love ours...but I hardly ever get to touch it because Bennette hogs it all the time. Madison and Cecilia share the other one...I'm so abused....
Purrs, Cory
Ooh! Those fabrics will make some PAWSOME ham-micks!
We are trying to get Mom to get us one!
The first one is too cute ! would fit in here too !
::does a little happy paw dance:: can not wait to gets cool FortyPaw ham-micks!!!
OH BOY!! WE needs noo fabriks for our ham-mick!
and YES, that is a Ham-mick i's lying on in mine pikshur today! It's MINE ham-mick - I LOVE IT!!!!!!
how does we get the noo fabriks??
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