Today is Annie's 11th Purrfday!!! She lufs Purrfday partays! Pleeze, efurrybuddy come on ofer and partay with us! We have lots of food, and Niptinis, and Meowgaritas, and Milk for the baby poodins! And HAM, and ChickHen, and Turkey parts, and brisket with BBQ sauce, and shrimp! And Salmon!!!! Oh, it will be fun!!! And if you want to go out on the patio, where it is extremely hot since this is Texassssss, there are plenty of perches to rest upon. And Ham-Micks too!!!! Come on ofer!!!

Luf, Us
Woohoo, a party! We're coming over with fresh nip from our garden to help Annie celebrate her 11th birthday!
Wow, look at the food! We don't know what we want to try first; it's all so yummy!
Thanks for inviting us! :-)
We love us a good party!! Happy Happy Birthday, Annie!! Have a great day!! Thanks for inviting us!!
happy purrfday annie. you are looking good! we is gonna try to come ofer and help you party. hard to sneak out when moms is hanging out around the house.
kazoku neko
Party time!! Happy Birthday Annie!! We're going to grab a niptini and some HAM and head out to a Ham-Mick! We love our ham-micks....Sniffie's in one on our blog today!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Happy Birthday to Annie! We hope that you have a wonderful day filled with love, friends, and fun!
We really need to catch up reading your bloggie - we miss you!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
Happy birthday, Annie! I hope you have a happy day filled with hugs and kisses!
Happy birthday Annie. Thanks for inviting us to your party. We have brought you a bag full of fresh Devon mousies to play with.
w00t! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Annie!!!
Happy Birthday Annie! I have some ham with your name on it!
Oh, great, we finally get to try out one of your maw's famous ham-micks.
Happy 11th Birthday, Annie.
OH Miss Annie
I am so happy to see that today is your purrday and you are having a party. It is so good to visit with you again!
Here's wishing you one great purrday with many many more to come.
Happy 11th Birthday Annie and many, many, many moooooore!! We love parites and we are so excited to try out your famous Ham-Micks!!!
((((((((HUGGGGS)))))))) from your TX furiends,
Happy Purrthday, Annie! We hope you have a wonderful day!
Happy Birthday Annie! I hope you've had a wonderful day!
Happy Purrthday, Annie! This was a great party!
Happy Purrthday, Annie, this is a great party.
Tha only fing is, Texas does get hot in the summer time, don't it.
Mind if a few of tha Voles stay here fur a while?
Love & Purrs,
A party today, a party tomorrow at our place. Ducky will be 2.
Happy Purrthday Annie.
Happy Purrfday, Annie! We hope you had a great day.
Thanks for coming to visit me while I was sick.
Hey, did you know that we are up to 24 paws at my house now? We are catching up to you guys!
hi, Annie! happy belated birfday, sorreh we was not around yesterday, we was being nurses, but we hopes you enjoyed your pawty! (Pee-Ess, can NOT wait for our ham-mix to get here!!!)
Happy birthday, Annie! We hope you had a great day!
Moe and Carmela
Oh, Annie, we are sorry we missed your Purrthday party. We hope you had a great day, and wish you a wonderful year filled with all the things you love most!
Uh oh...we are late! Happy late Birthday...there's enough in both of our families to get the party started again, right?
Happy belated purrfday to you, Annie! We hope that you had a wonderful day with lots of goodies and scritches and loves!
Charlemagne and Tamar
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